Friday, May 31, 2019
Essays --
Multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis interrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, resulting in a wide range of symptoms and decreased function. Comprehensive patient education about the nature and treatment of the disease can make a boastfully difference for these patients. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a persistent autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) in which the immune system erroneously attacks the bulb sheath that protects nerve cell fibers in the brain and spinal cord. This process, which is called demyelization, leads to diminished or lost CNS function, muscle weakness, complexity with synchronization and balance, visual disturbances, exhaustion, cognitive impairments, and an array of associated symptoms. (Bornstein M. Miller A, Slagle S, et al. Clinical set out with COP-1 in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 1988 33 (suppl 2) 66-69). It obliterates the fatty myelin sheath that insulates your nerve cells. Devoid of this insulation, nerve dialogue is interr upted. The body then makes this worse by repairing it, and congestion the area with scar tissue. Signals going from your brain and brain stem, such as muscle synchronization signals or visual sensation signals, are slowed greatly, or just blocked off. Thus, a person afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis can experience any turn of symptoms. Researchers are not sure yet as to the cause of Multiple Sclerosis. There is a type of deadlock among scientists and doctors whether its or an amalgamation of the two, with the disease universe inherited, but with a viral trigger, or just a simple chemical imbalance in the resistant system. One thing is certain, though. Several openhearted of defect in the immune system causes white blood cells to attack and destroy the myel... ...nical experience with COP-1 in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 1988 33(suppl 2)66-69. Ellison G, Myers LW, Mickey MR, et al. Clinical experience with azathioprine the pros. Neurology 1988 38(suppl 2)20-23. Silberberg D H. Azathioprine in multiple sclerosis the cons. Neurology 1988 38(suppl 2) 24-26. Hauser SL, Dawson DM, Lehrich Jr, et al. Intensive immunosuppression in progress multiple sclerosis a randomized, three-arm study of high-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide, plasma exchange and ACTH. N Engl J Med 1983 308 173-180. Likosky WH. Experience with cyclophosphamide in multiple sclerosis the cons. Neurology 1988 38(suppl 2) 14-18. Weiner HL, Mackin GA, Orva EJ, et al. Intermittent cyclophosphamide pulse therapy in progressive multiple sclerosis final report of the Northeast Cooperative Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Group. Neurology 1991 41 1047.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
affirmative action :: essays research papers
Affirmative ActionKenneth HuttnerECO 325Professor Kr wholeApril 24, 2002Discrimination is a problem that has plagued our country for many years. In the past few decades the government has been attempting to fix the problem through anti secretion legislation. Some of the biggest programs have been through favorable action. There is a general consensus that there are problems in our ball club with discrimination in many areas. But the questions we essential ask are Is affirmative action a just way to solve the problem of discrimination? Is affirmative action constitutional or is it reverse discrimination? And how do we go about solving the problem of discrimination if not through affirmative action?President Kennedy first introduced affirmative action in 1961 although he did not really possess the power to do much about it without the survive of Congress. Affirmative action was expanded into the arena of government contracts. Kennedy made a declaration that said that upon accept ing a government contract the contractor must pledge not to discriminate over against any applicants or employees on the buttocks of race, creed, color, or national origin(Elliot and Ewoh, p212). Although the contractors made this pledge there was not much enforcement of it.In 1964 congress took steps battle discrimination in the workplace. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act said that no person could be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin when it came to publicly funded programs. This was expanded in 1965 when president Johnson declared that the government would provide equal opportunity employment. Then in 1967 this was again expanded to make it illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender as well as race(Elliot and Ewoh, p213).In 1970 the Department of Labor ordered that all contractors with government contracts, fifty or more employees, and received $50,000 or more in assistance had to develop an extensive affirmative action plan to acco mmodate minorities in areas where they lacked representation(Elliot and Ewoh, p213). These plans had to include in depth research with goals and timetables, which would be met by the contractors. If the goals were not met then the government would no longer enter into contracts with the contractors. This was called order none 4, and was revised in 1971 to include women(Elliot and Ewoh, p213). At this time affirmative action was not quota based. Later Jimmy Carter would give the responsibility of overseeing these mandates to the Equal Employment hazard Committee.
Analysis of The Tulse Luper Suitcases Trilogy Essay -- Peter Greenaway
History and time are considered to be cultural formations since a History cannot be detached from the culture in which it is produced and received. It is finished culture that a historical sense is achieved and in fact, each culture experiences History in a different way leading us to the current cognizance of History as not being one, but many histories depending on the cultural groups involved. Historians have fought through with(predicate)out the centuries on whether such thing as object History can exist but in the end, even materialist historians will admit that the reality of History is so complicated and contradictory that no hotshot version could possibly represent the truth consequently different interpretations are inevitable.This is where Peter Greenaway comes in with his trilogy The Tulse Luper Suitcases in which the eponymous suitcases (of which at that place are 92) contain the equanimous memories of Tulse Luper, a manic collector of forgotten records and other e vidence of the twentieth century. Devised as a trilogy, Peter Greenaways multimedia project concentrates on a period between 1928, the year in which the element uranium was discovered in Colorado, and 1989, the year when the Berlin wall came down and the Cold War came to an end. The two profound events of the past one hundred years the confrontation between East and West and the threat of atomic warfare have left their mark on writer and realizer of projects Tulse Luper, who spends most of his time detained in some form of prison or another. Lupers role is hard to define his many encounters, the injuries he has sustain and fragments of sentences that surface from his memory, all combine to produce a complex weave or structure that includes both various periods in time a... ...aware of in his film, through the opposition between the reality of History on the one hand and the fiction of the Luper project on the other, the truth and stability of what really happened and the playfu l body structure presented by Greenaway, the unincarnated omniscience of reality and the awkward contextualization provided by the Luper point-of-view. According to Greenaway, History does not exist in an absolute, unmediated form, but will always be filtered through the perceptions, interpretations and values of subjects as experiencers, filing instances, historians and readers. The event as it was thus can never be recovered in an absolute form and that is why there is no such thing as History, but only historians whose collective work only, can serve as a somewhat effective record of History.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
controversial issues :: essays research papers
Controversy is everywhere mickle can take the least contentious things and make them controversial just for the pursuit of arguing approximately them. There are a lot of issues that are a big concern to state these days issues that cause debates and become major issues in presidential elections. People take all kinds of views of these very issues and a lot of the time the record book is a big influence on peoples nett decisions on how they tone of voice. People believe things are wrong because the bible tells them that it is wrong. No matter what religion you are the bible in a very historic piece of news report in this society. Things like abortion and homosexuality are frowned upon because of the way the bible is interpreted. People feel that the sixth decree thou shall non kill also goes for a fetus or they take that a union is between a man and a char means that people of the same sex cant have the same sacred union. People take this out dated piece of history and try to hand it to our society today without taking into account that the human race has changed since the bible has been written. When the topic of abortion comes up people refer to the bibles sixth commandment thou shall non kill and they feel that having an abortion is killing a baby no matter what stage of the gestation period it is in. People feel that abortion should not be legal. Professor of law at the University of Colorado, Paul Campos said, Whether or not abortion should be legal turns on the answer to the wonder of whether and at what point a fetus is a person. This is a question that cannot be answered logically or empirically. The concept of parenthood is neither logical nor empirical. It is essentially, or quasi-religious idea, based on ones fundamental (and therefore unverifiable) assumptions about the nature of the world. People have different views on abortion, when its pleasing, when its not and some just think that no matter what the circumstances it is neve r okay. There are people that believe that abortion is wholly acceptable beneath certain conditions such as the woman was raped or she got pregnant due to incest. Some people feel that an abortion acceptable when the woman is in danger. People who are more about the choice of the woman feel that abortion is okay when it is done in the first trimester.controversial issues essays research papers Controversy is everywhere people can take the least controversial things and make them controversial just for the sake of arguing about them. There are a lot of issues that are a big concern to people these days issues that cause debates and become major issues in presidential elections. People take all kinds of views of these very issues and a lot of the time the bible is a big influence on peoples final decisions on how they feel. People believe things are wrong because the bible tells them that it is wrong. No matter what religion you are the bible in a very important piece of history in this society. Things like abortion and homosexuality are frowned upon because of the way the bible is interpreted. People feel that the sixth commandment thou shall not kill also goes for a fetus or they take that a union is between a man and a woman means that people of the same sex cant have the same sacred union. People take this out dated piece of history and try to apply it to our society today without taking into account that the human race has changed since the bible has been written. When the topic of abortion comes up people refer to the bibles sixth commandment thou shall not kill and they feel that having an abortion is killing a baby no matter what stage of the pregnancy it is in. People feel that abortion should not be legal. Professor of law at the University of Colorado, Paul Campos said, Whether or not abortion should be legal turns on the answer to the question of whether and at what point a fetus is a person. This is a question that cannot be answered logically or empirically. The concept of parenthood is neither logical nor empirical. It is essentially, or quasi-religious idea, based on ones fundamental (and therefore unverifiable) assumptions about the nature of the world. People have different views on abortion, when its acceptable, when its not and some just think that no matter what the circumstances it is never okay. There are people that believe that abortion is only acceptable under certain conditions such as the woman was raped or she got pregnant due to incest. Some people feel that an abortion acceptable when the woman is in danger. People who are more about the choice of the woman feel that abortion is okay when it is done in the first trimester.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease :: essays research papers
Plenty of people love the fact that they can enjoy feeling normal because their brain functions accordingly. Well not every one has the gift of normality. In this harsh world people argon dying of all types of diseases and things that are undetectable or even treatable due to the fact that they have unknown origins. Many of the worlds diseases such as HIV, AIDS, some cases of Multiple sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophies. Among these fatal and life threatening ailments Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, other wise known as (CJD), takes precedence. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an unusual, degenerative, consistently terminal brain disorder, typically onset of symptoms occurs at about age 60. This disease has been categorized into three major categories 1) sporadic CJD, 2) hereditary CJD, 3) acquired CJD. In sporadic CJD, the disease occurs even though the affected does not have any known risk factors that would cause an occurrence of the disease. This sudden occurring CJD is indisputab ly the most frequently diagnosed type of Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease. This statistically accounts for at least 85 per centum of CJD cases. Due to that there are some fifty to sixty deaths per year due to sporadic CJD in the unite States alone. Similar figures are seen in other countries such as Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.In hereditary CJD, the infected person has inherited an abnormal gene due a family history of the disease or takes a test in which their results are positive for a genetic mutation that is associated with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. About 5 to 10 percent of cases of Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease in the United States are hereditary and the United Kingdom has a population in the region of 58 million and there are only a few instances of deaths due to genetic CJD in a year. In acquired CJD, the disease is transmitted by exposure to brain or nervous system tissue, usually by means of certain medical procedures. Acquired CJD is also very rare so far there h as been no solid evidence that CJD is transmittable through casual take a chance with a patient with CJD. Since Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease was first discovered in 1920, less than 1 percent of cases have been diagnosed as acquired CJD. Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease (CJD) belongs to a family of human and living organism diseases known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Spongiform refers to the distinctive look of contaminated brains, which become filled with holes until they bear a resemblance to sponges when seen under a microscope.
Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease :: essays research papers
Plenty of people love the fact that they can enjoy life normal because their genius functions accordingly. Well not every one has the gift of normality. In this harsh world people are dying of all types of diseases and things that are undetectable or even treatable due to the fact that they have unknown origins. M whatever of the worlds diseases such as HIV, AIDS, some cases of Multiple Sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophies. Among these smuggled and life threatening ailments Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, other wise known as (CJD), takes precedence. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an unusual, degenerative, consistently terminal brain disorder, typically onset of symptoms occurs at about get along with 60. This disease has been categorized into three major categories 1) sporadic CJD, 2) inheritable CJD, 3) acquired CJD. In sporadic CJD, the disease occurs even though the affected does not have any known risk factors that would cause an occurrence of the disease. This sudden occurring CJD is indisputably the most frequently diagnosed type of Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease. This statistically accounts for at least 85 percent of CJD cases. Due to that in that location are some fifty to sixty deaths per year due to sporadic CJD in the United States alone. Similar figures are seen in other countries such as Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.In hereditary CJD, the infected person has inherited an abnormal gene due a family history of the disease or takes a ladder in which their results are positive for a contagious mutation that is associated with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. About 5 to 10 percent of cases of Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease in the United States are hereditary and the United Kingdom has a population in the region of 58 million and there are only a few instances of deaths due to genetic CJD in a year. In acquired CJD, the disease is transmitted by exposure to brain or nervous system tissue, usually through certain aesculapian procedures. Acquired CJD is also very rare so far there has been no solid evidence that CJD is transmittable through casual encounter with a persevering with CJD. Since Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease was first discovered in 1920, less than 1 percent of cases have been diagnosed as acquired CJD. Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease (CJD) belongs to a family of human and animal diseases known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Spongiform refers to the distinctive look of contaminated brains, which become filled with holes until they bear a resemblance to sponges when seen under a microscope.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Competency of student nurses in the operating room Essay
LEGEND4-Competent (Student performs consistently in an effective and efficient manner) 3-Progress Acceptable (performance is usually effective and efficient just not always) 2-Needs Improvement (progress in performance is too slow to judge satisfactorily task performance is not done properly for majority of the time0 1-Progress out of the question (no progress in performance has been demonstrated and/ or performance is consistently ineffective and inefficient)CORE COMPETENCYSCOREREMARKSA. safe and quality nursing supervise1. utilizes the nursing process in the care of OR clienta. Obtains comprehensive clients information by checking complete accomplishment of the preoperative checklist/ clients mapb. Identifies priority needs of the client at the Operating Roomc. Provides undeniable nursing interventions based on identified needsd. Monitors clients responses to cognitive process2. Promotes safety and comfort of patients inside the ORa. Transports client safely from the unit to ORb. Transfer client safely from the stretcher to OR merchant ship, OR bed to stretcher, stretcher to RR bed (e.g. use of side rails)c. Places properly grounding pad under the patient for electro- surgical equipmentd. Monitor vital signse. Provides physical comfort utilizing comfort devices/ techniquesf. Provides needed blankets and carpenters send offes to prevent hyp differentmia and provide privacyg. Assist in proper and safe positioning of clients in preparation for operating roomh. Observes the principles of strict surgical aseptic techniques inside the work area at all timesi. Observes universal precautions in discussion body fluids3. Performs the functions of the scrub nursea. Drapes the operative field correctlyb. Performs surgical scrub correctlyc. Dons surgical gowns and gloves correctlyd. Serves gowns, gloves and drapes asepticallye. Prepared surgical instruments, sponges, sutures and other supplies in functional agreementf. Hands instruments, sponges, sutures and ot her materials according to surgeons preferenceg. Performs surgical count dead on targetlyh. Performs after care of the surgical instruments4. Performs the functions of the circulating nursea. Prepared the surgical table and all needed equipment and supplies for surgeryb. Assist the anesthesiologist in the induction of anesthesiac. Performs the surgical skin preparation of the clientd. Checks with the scrub nurse the completeness of surgical sponges, needles and instrumentse. Anticipates the needs of the surgical police squadf. Ensures intactness and functionality of all contraptions ( e.g. IVF BT IFC NGT)g. Helps in the after care of all equipment and the OR as a wholeh. Hand additional instruments and supplies aseptically as neededi. Check sheet integrity and sterility of OR packsi.1. Sets up the OR Room needed equipmenti.2. Receives client for surgery/ endorses client post-operatively i.3. Assists in skin preparation and draping of client5. distribute medications and other heal th therapeutics safely6. Executes legal orders of the surgeon/ anesthesiologist accurately and timely7. Evaluates patients response to interventions8. Monitors patients progress during surgery and immediate post-op kindB. Management of resources and environment1. Ensures availability, completeness and functionality of OR equipments2. Observes protocols in unrestricted, semi-restricted and restricted areas in the OR3. Performs proper disinfection and sterilization protocols4. Observes proper disposal of hazardous and non hazardous wastes. Observes proper handling and up keeping of OR resources5. Observes OR policies, procedures and protocols on infection control6. Conducts inventory of OR resources7. Awareness of the institutional evacuation and location plan some(prenominal) for fire, earthquake and other major emergencies.C. Health Education1. Implements appropriate health education activities to client based on needs assessment of the intra-operative client2. Reinforces pre-oper ative health teachings to clientD. Legal Responsibility1. Adheres to legal and institutional protocols regarding informed consent and other legal documentsE. Ethico- Moral Responsibility1. Respects the rights of the OR client2. Accepts state and accountability for own decision and actions as an OR nurse3. Maintains privacy and confidentiality of clients information4. Adheres to the Code of Ethics for NursesF. Personal and Professional instruction1. Performs OR functions and according to professional standards2. Possesses positive attitude towards learning surgical and OR-related knowledge and skillsG. Quality Improvement1. Reports significant actual or potential observations regarding the surgical client2. Reports positive or negative variances at the OR3. Identifies and reports variances in sterility and other OR activitiesH. Research1. Disseminates results of OR-related research findings to clinical group and other members of the OR team as appropriateI. Records Management1. Mai ntain legible, accurate and updated documentation of patient care in the chart/ and OR dorms2. Submits timely, complete an accurate surgical slips and Or write-ups for cases handledJ. Communication1. Utilizes therapeutic colloquy skills with patients, significant others and members of the health team2. Establishes professional relationships with members of the surgical/ health team3. Utilizes proper channel of communication4. Observes complete and accurate endorsement procedures5. Uses appropriate information mechanism to facilitate communication inside the OR and with other departments in the hospitalK. Collaboration and Teamwork1. Collaborates plan of care with other members of the health team
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Assessing the Role of Motivation on Employees Essay
In this light the study sets to identify the around(prenominal) be factors among the ten motivational factors. The analysis from the empirical findings showed that Job satisfaction was the most ranked factor for both sub groups that made up the sample survey. However a study from previous researches utilise in this study showed that unlike results could be obtained from different groups of already working employees.This study therefore can be seen as an introduction to a more detailed study to be carried by future researchers on the field of employees motivation. Background When looking at factors that affect job satisfaction, I find that manner theory skill be helpful as it explains the extent to which plaques need to think of their human resource responsible in producing the output needed by brasss to meet sh beholders value.Agency theory is concerned with issues related to the ownership of the firm when that ownership is separated from the day-to-day running of the organiz ation. It assumes that in all but owner- managed organizations the owner or owners (known in agency theory as the principal) of an organization must vest authority to an agent-corporate counsel- to act on their behalf. The principal recognizes the risk, here and act on the assumption that any agent entrust look to serve its own as well as the principal recreates as it ulfils it contract with that principal. However, this is not the event in real life situation. As all agents are perceived to be Opportunistic. These approaches are to examine the problems of human exchange derived from the field of finance and economics but they are often applied to the study of shareholders Risk Management (SHRM). Agency theory is therefore used to analyze this conflict in interest between the principal (shareholders of organizations) and their agents (leaders of these organizations).Whereby the Agents in keeping with the interest of the shareholders and organizational goals turn to use pecunia ry motivational aspects like bonuses, higher payrolls, pensions, sick allowances, risk payments, perks to takings and retained their employees and enhance their performance. There is a strong lobby propounding the view that human resources and their management are the source of competitive advantage for the business, rather than, say, regain to capital or use of technology.It is therefore logical to suggest that, attending needs to be paid to the temper of this resource and its management as this will impact on human resource behavior and performance and consequently the performance of the organization. Indeed Boxall and Steeneveld (1999) argue that there is no need to prove the consanguinity between firm critical influence on performance and labour management as it is self evident that the quality of human resource management is a critical influence on the performance of the firm.Concern for strategic integration, commitment flexibility and quality, has called for attention fo r employees motivation and retention. Given this perception, the principal in an organization feels unable to predict an agents behavior in any given situation and so brings into play various measures to do with motivators in otherwise to tie employees needs to those of their organization. Thus getting employees identification with respect to the organization, and thus increasing their commitment level.As an approach to mediate the use contract, elements of human resource strategy (especially those to do with rewards and retention) can offer a way of ensuring an efficient transaction process that enables both parties to get committed towards the fulfillment of each other needs. The fundamental problem, dealt with is what drives or induces people to exploit their potential resources in the way they do in organizations? The issue of motivation and performance are they positively related?By focusing on the financial aspect of motivation problem like bonus system, allowances perks, salaries, etc. By paying attention to the financial aspect of motivation, I intend to probe in to the role this aspect has on enhancing employees performance. I believe, financial motivation has become the most concern in todays organization, and tying to Mallows basic needs, non-financial aspect only comes in when financial motivation has failed. Though in some(prenominal) situation, it is being operated side by side.But as a research topic for my thesis I will employ the financial aspects of motivation used by the agents of organization in enhancing their employees performance and the extent to which non-financial aspects of motivation turn to enhance employees performance. To evaluate the methods of performance motivation in organization in organizing some motivational factors like satisfies and dissatisfies will be used to evaluate how employees motivation is enhanced other than financial aspects of motivation. Problem Statements As a research question, the research seeks to an swer what role motivation plays in enhancing performance in organization. This will be possible through analysis of information self-contained from students. Hence this thesis is chief(prenominal)ly quantitative. * Objectives In trying to find an answer(s) to the research question and on the basis of the above background discussion and research question, the main purposes developed for this thesis is to assess the factors that motivate employees to perform best at work.This is done by carrying out a survey in which respondents responding to a survey, ranked the least two most important factor on a list of ten factors, and how these factors influence them. * Limitations and Demarcations The limitation is being considered in relation to the rude(a) explanation to which the researcher has exceptional the study and the active choices to limit the study area that is financial motivation as a determinant of performance. The study is limited to existing theories and models, and their i nfluence and limitation on performance enhancement.By considering the financial and non-financial aspect of motivation on employees performance relating to existing theories and models, I intend to starting line a demarcation for the study. Here I have considered limitation in line with the research objective that is the study is limited. I believe that with the changing nature of the work force, recent trends in development, information and technology, the issue of financial motivation becomes consent on one of the most important assets in an organization.A mint candy has been said on the outside forces of an organization. This research considers the inside forces as a starting point. Ideally, a study of all the explanatory variables will be considered subdue in order to capture the interactive influences of other variables and thus be able to come up with holistic and generally more acceptable results, of financial motivation and performance. * Definitions Motivation Motivation by definition refers to what activates, directs human behavior and how this behavior is sustained to achieve a particular goal.Also it can be defined as the set of processes that arouse, direct and maintain human behavior towards attaining some goals. Jones (1955) argues that Motivation is concerned with how behavior gets started, is energized, is sustained, is directed, and is stopped and what kind of subjective chemical reaction is present in the organization while all this is going on. Role of financial motivation The potential role of money is (1) Conditioned reinforce (2) An incentive which is capable of satisfying needs (3) An anxiety reducer (4) Serves to erase feelings of dissatisfactionEmployee satisfaction This refers to the positive or negative aspects of employees altitude towards their jobs or some features of the job. organisational Goals A concept, which refers to the focus of attention and decision-making among employees of a sub-unit. Organizing This involves the complete understanding of the goals of organization, the necessity of proper co-ordination, and the environmental factors that influence the goals and employees within the organization. Employee attitudes Mental state of readiness for occasion arousal.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Fair and Lovely Human fell color ranges In variety, from the darkest brown to the lightest planks- white. Recently, I saw a video about uncase color In India. I was surprised and devastated . Their cutis color affects their status in society there. They can be denied education, jobs etc. A charming flake person is considered attractive regardless that the person have a healthy figure. My ball over discovery was that many Indian volume, mostly women are so obsessed with fair skin. They will go to the ends of the Earth to lighter there skin.They believe ark skin complexion is ugly and the lighter guarantees more opportunities in life. For example If you are fair skin there are bigger changes to purport married , get better job and better opportunities in life. Issues that dark skin girls face are different for each girl. One girl was told that she Is a dark skin and Just because of that she will not will be wealthy and rich In her life. That her dark skin complexion will not br ing her a husband. How was she feeling about that?She TLD get too upset because she knew that she will find some matchless that will interchangeable her for who she is. After being rejected couple times finally she found her husband with who now she has family. But not only now, Indian people are having this issue long time ago. Elder people are telling how some of them had been rejected and some of the weddings also been canceled. The girls had been called ugly. One girls said that she was feeling angry but on the end of the day she knows that not only the outside look what is important is inside too, its the persons heart.One of the way they are trying to get fair skin Is by using fair skin cream. The fairness creams marketing strategies, which show that a girl cant get married unless she Is fair, change the mindset of Individuals. The visual media has changed Its strategy so much that even fair skin people also use fairness products They use different types of cream. One of the m is the power brand called Fair and Lovely. Skin lightening products like this one is not Just used locally, the usage goes viral. The advertising they have for the cream is Just amazing .From the way how they are advertising it to the enormous number of users. virtually of them tried to light their skin while on the other side the rest of the population face the problem, evaluate It and moving on In life. My attending was drawn to the juvenility dark skin boy, the way how he was treated from the people around him, his friends especially from his teachers. He tried to get fair skin with using creams. The influence from his surrounding affected his decision to different from the other kids. Imagine having no friends in school Just because of your skin color? Ewing guilty of himself not wanting to be social with fear that his errs might beat him up because of his skin color. The way how they talked to him , the influence that it had on him like a young person who is now developi ng his morals, his personality , his behavior. I am glad that he is not that influenced from the teachers and that and that he has his family support to grow and develop by accepting his dark skin color like straight not weakness. Man also have been influenced by this trend of bleaching skin. They also thing that being like skin can bring you more opportunities in life.They still believe that if you are dark skin you are poor person and no wealthy. by means of the different stages this fair skin stereotyping or Colorist has a different effect. From its impact on self-esteem to it impact on careers and marriage. From one side, I believe everyone is muster out to do whatever they want . On the other side its sad the opinion for fair skin, that only like that people are beautiful, is so deep ingrained into the culture. Lets something that people from India dont do it for themselves its about society and pleasing others.
Friday, May 24, 2019
College Students Essay
The number of international students enrolled in U. S. institutions has grown by 23 percent in the last five years. This is because the international community recognizes education in the U. S. All credit is pass offn to University administrators who make sure that the courses students take are rigorous and prepares them for the existent world ahead of them. The only problem is that Universities make students take some courses that are irrelevant to their major, thereby wasting precious clipping and m unitaryy. Engineering is one of the most popular majors offered in United States Universities.It is a gateway to job opportunities but most Universities waste students time by forcing them to take classes that are not engineering related during their first two years of college. In most Universities, students majoring in Engineering have to take classes homogeneous fine art, government, history etc. Instead of giving these students specific courses that would prepare them for the rig orous work of engineering and reduce the time they would spend in school, Universities preferably choose to introduce them to broader aspect of college, forcing them to take classes they do not need and increasing the time, they spend in college.Higher Institutions increase the time and courses college students have to take, because the much classes they take the more money the University pockets. They use this method to rip students off, thereby making college expenses ridiculously high and almost unpayable for some students. Education is not say to be costly, but students bank accounts are constantly punished by greed and bad decision making by University officials. This is why most American students abstain from furthering their educations in higher institutions after high school.The cost scares some of them, and they do not see the need to spend completely their money on education. Universities should not scare Americans away from Higher Institutions by making them take clas ses that would dry up their bank accounts and waste their time. Instead they should give them the privilege of going to intern after high school and come back to take only the courses they need for their major. This saves students valuable time, money, and at the same time makes college more attractive to those Americans who have shunned Higher education because of the cost.When students are given the chance of interning before they choose their path in life, they not only pop out an idea of what they will wake up to every morning, but they also gain feature. This makes the courses and classes they would take later on a lot easier and understandable to them. The experience they gain from interning gives them a sense of direction on whether to continue in that career or if they should do something more profiting and interesting to them.. In order for us to get more Americans into college and reduce the competition coming from the international community, higher institutions need t o make college more affordable and more meaningful for students. To make Universities affordable, students should be allowed to do all those classes that are required but relevant to a students major in high school. After graduation, students should have the opportunity of choosing between being an intern in their desired field for a year, before registering for that major, or going the normal route of wasting time winning classes they do not need.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How agriculture has changed from early Egypt, Greece, and Rome to the present Essay
The history of the radiation pattern of culture git be divided into two different eras the ancient agriculture and the red-brick agriculture. Many early civilizations tolerate to the knowledge that is harnessed by modern farming(a) radiation diagram, including those adopted from Egyptian, Roman and Greek agricultural practices.Egyptian agriculture The main characteristic of the agricultural practice in Egypt is how Egyptian farmers during the ancient times managed to understand the changing patterns of the season and weather and work their way around it so that they can maximize the entree of each new weather and season and synchronize their agricultural effort with the weather patterns and with the weather changes. Egypt was fitted to show the rest of the world how a issue with hardly any rainfall can still maintain and sustain a very good agricultural practice by the expenditure of the internal geographical advantages found in the area.In the case of Egypt, they foun d sustenance in the Nile River, which played an important role in their early agricultural practices. same(p) many ancient agricultural practices, Egyptian agriculture during the ancient times aim on agricultural tools like plows and sieves as advantageously as on animals that can make their agricultural activities easier and faster to accomplish, like cattle and ox. Egyptian agriculture also featured their own version of the irrigation, which they called the shaduf.Egypt was able to make use of its agricultural products to generate income, usually by selling any excess from agricultural harvests to other countries and neighboring states. Roman agriculture Roman agriculture was single(a) of the important sections of the global agricultural history that provided different and important usable information some of which are still in use and in practice today while some acted as catalysts for the entry of newer methods and technologies in the practice of agriculture.While Rome was not in itself the point of origin of the ideas and practices in agriculture which the locals used and practiced owing to the fact that they are greatly influenced by other countries when it comes to the practice of agriculture, Rome nonetheless was an example of a country that blossomed because they were able to use agriculture and maximize its effects.Underscoring the importance of Roman agriculture is the fact that many writers used the topic of agriculture as the topic of many of their create verbally works. Virgil, Cicero, Cato, Columella, Varro and Palladius spent some of their time by writing on topics that are directly involved in agriculture. The important contribution of Roman agriculture to the modern world is its introduction of many different approaches to farming. distant other ancient countries that exercised farming in just one uniform manner, Roman farming is managed in different ways thither is the traditional farming wherein the members of the family who owned t he land were also the direct farmers there are some farms that is tilled by slaves there is also the practice of share cropping and lastly the practice of leasing a part of the farm to a tenant. Farm sizes during the Roman times fall in one of the three categories based on size (small, medium and large-sized farms).Roman farming during the ancient time was commendable for its great understanding of soil quality as the methods and practices during that time allowed for the identification of different kinds of manure that can be used to help improve farming and crop yield. Greek agriculture The Greeks were very oftentimes dependent in their agriculture largely because of the fact that agriculture sustained the people and contributed significantly in their economy that most people during the ancient Greek times were directly involved in different agricultural practices.Greek agriculture was characterized for its biennial crop rotation. The most common agricultural products during the ancient Greece involve cereals, olives, grapes, vegetables and different kinds of herbs. The Greeks focused on their crop yielding activities as much as they put importance in animal husbandry for their meat and dairy products. The Greeks also exercised beekeeping for their supply of honey from which they derive sugar which they use for everyday consumption as well as for medicine.Greek agriculture was characterized by its use of crop rotation methods as early as the fifth century. The Greek, Roman and Egyptian eras of agriculture had similar characteristics agriculture was greatly depended for survival they depend greatly on their farms and used the ability of human strength as well as animal power in the undertaking of strenuous agricultural activities during those times, when agricultural machines and technologies that made farming and agriculture easier are not yet available.The most important lesson that these era provided is the practice of being able to understand well the terrestrial advantages that a certain area can provide for agriculture, and maximizing it. Rome, Greece and Egypt had some differences in its respective land areas, and yet they were all very undefeated when it comes to agriculture. While they provided the bedrock of knowledge for agriculture (many of which are still in practice today), there are now many different developments that featured improvements in the manner by which ancient Roman, Greece and Egyptian undertake agricultural activities. moderne day agriculture Modern day agriculture is generally characterized by the fundament of a formalistic institution that is focused on developing agriculture and enables new ways so that there is an improvement in production and things can be done in an easier manner, like agricultural research, which, according to Schjonning, is an applied science with the main objective of improving production methods and developing production systems (p3).Unlike the ancient times, modern day agric ulture is supported by technologies that make work easier, and because of that and because of the diversification of the source of economic sustainability towards other different industries, agriculture dictum the decline in number of people that participate in it over time.Aside from the mechanization of agricultural processes and practices, there are also other scientific innovations towards agriculture, like the genetic modifications of crops and advanced food processing techniques. There is also the focus in the use of crops that are not edible but are nonetheless very usable in todays society, like rubber and animal hide.ReferencesErdkamp, Paul. (November 2005). Grain Market in the Roman Empire A Social, Politicaland Economic Study. Cambridge University Press Harris, Catherine C. (July 1, 2001). Ancient Egyptian Agriculture. Tour Egypt Monthly. Volume II, Number 7. Retrieved April 20, 2008, from http//www. touregypt. net/magazine/mag07012001/magf5. htm Isager, Signe and Skyds gaard, Jens E. (October 1992). Ancient Greek Agriculture. Taylor & Francis, Inc. P. Schjonning, S. Elmholt, B. T. Christensen. (December 2003). Managing Soil Quality Challenges in Modern Agriculture.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Speakers Essay
The Road Not Taken and Stopping by woodwind instrument on a Snowy Evening are both very good poems. I olfactory perception The Road Not Taken is one that reminds me of myself. I will tell you how they differ but at the same time are so much alike. In The Road Not Taken he lets us know that he has to make a decision. In order to make that decision he looks as far as he potty to see what road he wants to take. He talks about how the path he took may adopt been the better on for him. It had been the one less travelled on. In Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening he also has a decision to make. He is walking with his dollar bill in the woods. There are no other people around on this snowy night. He stops in the woods to watch them feel up with the snow. Even his horse thinks this is a strange thing that he is doing.Its cold and dark, plus he knows he has miles to go before he shadower get any sleep. Now both speakers have a conflict to handle. One has to decide which path he will ta ke dapple the other has to decide if he will stop in his path. They both are on a path and they both have to get to the shutting of their path. In The Road Not Taken he makes is decision by taking the path less traveled. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening know he has miles to go in order to sleep so he cant stop now. As you can see we all have choices to make and paths to travel. There will be things that come in your way that will get you off track, but you have to make sure you get on the path till the end.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Absenteeism 2
Absenteeism is a serious scatplace conundrum and an expensive occurrence for both employers and employees seemingly unpredictable in nature. A satisfactory take aim of attendance by employees at use is necessary to allow the achievement of objectives and targets by a department. Employee Absenteeism is the absence of an employee from work. It is a major problem faced by almost all employers of today. Employees are absent from work and thus the work suffers.Employees presence at workplace during the scheduled sentence is highly essential for the smooth running of the production process in particular and the organization in general. Despite the significance of their presence, employees sometime fail to report card at the work place during the scheduled time, which is known as Absenteeism. Labour Bureau, Simla defined the term absenteeism as the failure of a worker to report for work when he is scheduled to work. Labour Bureau also states that absenteeism is the total man-shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total number of man-shifts scheduled to work. fit to Websters Dictionary, Absenteeism is the practice or habit of being an absence and an absentee is one who habitually stays away. Types of Absenteeism Absenteeism is of four types viz 1) Authorized Absenteeism, 2) Unauthorized Absenteeism, 3) Willful Absenteeism and 4) caused by spate beyond ones control. 1) Authorized Absenteeism If an employee absent himself from work by taking permission from his superior and applying for leave, such absenteeism is called authorized absenteeism. ) Unauthorized Absenteeism if an employee absent himself from work without informing or taking permission and without applying for leave, such absenteeism is called unauthorized absenteeism. 3) Willful Absenteeism If an employee absents himself from duty willfully, such absenteeism is called willful absenteeism. 4) Absenteeism caused by Circumstances beyond Ones Control If an employee absents himself from duty owing to the circumstances beyond his control like involvement in accidents or sudden sickness, such absenteeism is called absenteeism caused by circumstances beyond ones control.Features of Absenteeism Research studies undertaken by different authors reveal the followers features of absenteeism * The lay of absenteeism is the lowest on pay day, it increases considerably on the days following the payment of wages and bonus. * Absenteeism is generally high among workers below 15 years of age and those above 40. The younger employees are not regular and punctual, presumably because of the exercise of a large number of newcomers among the younger age groups. While the older people are not able to withstand the strenuous nature of the work. The rate of absenteeism varies from department to department within a unit. As the size of the group increases, the rate of absenteeism goes up. This difference in the rate of absenteeism is believed to be due to the peculiar means and pract ices of management, the composition of the labor force and the culture of the organization. * The percentage of absenteeism is generally higher in the day shifts * The percentage of absenteeism is much higher in coal and tap industries than in organized industries. * Absenteeism in India is seasonal in character It is the highest during March-April-May, when a land has to be prepared for monsoon saving, and also in the harvest season, when the rate goes as high as 40 percent Causes Of Absenteeism The following are the general causes of absenteeism 1) Maladjustment with the Working Conditions If the on the job(p) conditions of the company are slimy, the workers cannot adjust themselves with the companys working conditions. Then they favor to stay away from the company. 2) Social and Religious Ceremonies Social and religious functions divert the workers attention from the work. ) Unsatisfactory Housing conditions at the workplace. 4) Industrial Fatigue The industrial fatigue compe ls workers to remain outside the work place. 5) Unhealthy Working Conditions The poor and intolerable working condition in the factories irritates the workers. redundancy heat, noise, either too much or too low lightening, poor ventilation, dust, smoke etc. cause poor health of the workers. These factors cause the workers to be absent. 6) execrable Welfare Facilities Though a number of legislation concerning welfare facilities are enacted, many organization fail to provide welfare facilities.This is either due to the poor financial position of the companies or due to the exploitative attitude of the employer. The poor welfare facilities include poor sanitation, washing, bathing, first-aid appliances, ambulance, rest rooms, drinking water, canteen, shelter, creches etc. the dissatisfied workers with these facilities prefer to be away from the work place. 7) Alcoholism Workers mostly prefer to spend money on the consumption of liquor and enjoyment after getting the wages. because t he rate of absenteeism is more during the first week of every month. ) Indebtness The low level wages and unplanned expenditure of the workers force them to adopt heavily. The research studies indicate that workers borrow more than 10 times of their net pay. Consequently, workers fail to repay the money. Then they try to escape from the place in order to avoid the moneylenders. This leads to absenteeism. 9) Maladjustments with the job demands The troubled changing technology demands higher level skills from the workers. Some workers fail to meet these demands due to their low level education and/or absence of training. 0) Unsound force Policies The improper and unrealistic personnel policies result in employee dissatisfaction. The dissatisfied employee in turn prefers to be away from the work. 11) Inadequate Leave Facilities The inadequate leave facilities provided by the employer forces him to depend on E. S. I. leave which allows the workers to be away from the work for 56 days in a year on half pay. 12) Low level of Wages Wages in some organizations are very poor and they are quite inadequate to meet the basic needs of the employees.Therefore, employees go for some other employment during their busy season and earn more money. Further, some employees take up part time jobs. Thus the employees resort to moonlighting and absent themselves from work. The Cost to Co. upset As most HR managers know, the cost of turnover adds hundreds of thousands of dollars to a companys expenses. While it is difficult to fully calculate the cost of turnover (including hiring costs, training costs, productivity loss), perseverance experts often quote 25% of the average employee salary as a conservative estimate.For example, if the average salary is $20,000/yr the cost of one employee turnover is $5,000. If you begin 30 employees terminating per month, the cost to the organization equals $150,000/month. Mulitiply that by 12 months and you have $1,800,000 in added annual exp ense. Loss of Company Knowledge When an employee leaves, they take with them valuable knowledge virtually your company, your customers, current projects and past history (sometimes to competitors). Often much time and money has been spent on the employee in expectation of a future return. When the employee leaves, the investment is not realized.Disruption of Customer Service Customers and clients do business with a company in part because of the people. Relationships are developed that encourage continued patronage of the business. When an employee leaves, the relationships that employee make for the company are severed, which could lead to potential customer loss. Turnover spirals into more turnover When an employee terminates, the effect is felt throughout the organization. Coworkers are often required to dive up the slack. The unspoken negativity often intensifies for the remaining staff.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Hofstede analysis Essay
1. Power length the extent to which the less correctly members of institutions and organisations at heart a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. 2. Individualism- the degree of interdependence a association maintains among its members. 3. Masculinity / Femininity-The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine). 4. Uncertainty avoidance The extent to which the members of a culture observe threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these 5. Long term orientation- the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view.Power distanceThailand scores 64 on PDI index, slightly lower than the middling Asian countries (71). It is a society in which inequalities atomic number 18 accepted a strict chain of command and protocol are observed. Eac h coterie has its privileges and employees show loyalty, respect and deference for their superiors in return for protection and guidance. This may lead to paternalistic management.Thus, the military strength towards managers are more formal, the information flow is hierarchical and controlled. IndividualismWith a score of 20 Thailand is a mettlesomely collectivist country. This is manifest in a close foresightful-term commitment to the member assort (a family, extended family, or extended relationships). Loyalty to the in-group in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most early(a) societal rules and regulations. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.In auberge to preserve the in-group, Thai are non confrontational and in there communication a Yes may not mean an espousal or agreement. An offence leads to loss of face and Thai are very sensitive not to feel shamed in front of their group. Personal relationship is key to conducting business and it takes time to build such relations thereof patience is necessary as well as not openly hold forth business on first occasions. Masculinity / FemininityThailand scores 34 on this dimension and is thus considered a feminine society. Thailand has the lowest Masculinity ranking among the average Asian countries of 53 and the World average of 50. This lower level is indicative of a society with less assertiveness and competitiveness, as compared to one where these set are considered more important and significant. This situation also reinforces more traditional male and female roles within the cosmos. Uncertainty avoidanceThailand scores 64 on this dimension indicating a preference for avoiding uncertainty. In order to minimize or reduce this level of uncertainty, strict rules, laws, policies, and regulations are adopted and implemented. The ultimate goal of this population is to control everything in order to eliminate or a void the unexpected. As a result of this high Uncertainty Avoidance characteristic, the society does not readily accept change and is very risk adverse. flip-flop has to be seen for the greater good of the in-group. Long term orientationWith a score of 56 Thailand is a Long Term Oriented culture though not as much as for most Asian countries. LTO is manifest on their respect for tradition and inequality between people. Amongst the values that are praised, operative hard and having a sense of moderation are dominant. The investment in personal relationships and network is paramount. defend ones face is key and a protocol in their non confrontational behavior.Their concern is not to look for one truth which helps them be flexible and pragmatic in negotiations.Thai favor long term oriented perspective and thus Thailand deadlines and timescales are fluid.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Celebrities deserve privacy Essay
Celebrities argon those passel who are unendingly under public attention. The media and fans are keeping an eye on their strange or exposerageous antics. much(prenominal) populate influence the world because the youth watch upon them. Most tabloids, magazines publish various articles nigh noned people, and often of teenagers and even adults want to know ever soything. Journalists do not nevertheless share information about the known facts about the celebrity. They try to get lots of moving pictures which would show the psyche not from the best side. They do this provided to attract more than readers. The confidential life of public figures becomes unprotected. It is no wonder that it is impossible to look perfect all the time, and paparazzi catch much(prenominal) moments by taking spontaneous photos.The media want to find out everything about the celebrities, and usually, they are not looking for something ripe(p). Scandals, affairs, illnesses, problems are those issues that create intrigue. Paparazzi invade privacy ludicrously and take form this to be a norm. However, celebrities are reasonable ordinary people who deserve to have ain lives which are not recorded. They have secrets, and it is normal that they are not eager to share this with all the world. What is more, paparazzi head start chasing children, friends, parents of known people. It is significant to bear in mind that every bingle should have privacy, and media should step back from invading personal lives.It is not that difficult to become a celeb these days thanks to various TV shows and the Internet. It seems that being celebrated is just about walking on the red carpet, taking beautiful photos, and attending parties. The spotlight looks deceptively great. However, everything changes when media start chasing others to get scandalous news. When a celebrity begins a new relationship, changes job, gets pregnant, or gets involved in whatever other personal situations, this all becomes known on the Internet pages. And it is not even the worst aspect. The biggest loss is that lots of people adore criticising others. They share their opinions, write comments, although you have never asked them to discuss your private life. It is good if such comments are positive, but when they are focused on the contradict side, it becomes annoying and embarrassing.Another negative side of invading the private life of celebrities is that they cannot simply go outside to have a loving cup of coffee. Photographers, fans, journalists are always waiting for the person from the closest corner. Famous people have to hide faces just to avoid such overwhelming attention. Sometimes even ordinary people need silence and solitude. However, these voice communication may sound unreal for the celebs. People have to understand that being famous is just the alike job as any other teacher or doctor. Each profession requires privacy because we are all humans and should respect each other.The most dangerous aspect of the paparazzi is that their chases for a sharp take of the celebrity can turn into a fatal event. The world-known tragedy with Princess Diana happened in 1997. She was called the most hunted person of the modern age, because she was popular all around the globe. Princess Diana was followed by hundreds of journalists and photographers every day. Paparazzi did everything possible to find out where she was red ink or driving. They wanted to get a good shot, write a booming article in the magazine, and get lots of money. Photographers spent days and nights trying to find Diana and take a picture. However, these crazy chases happened in any case often. One day when Princess was followed by the speeding car with paparazzi, the vehicle where Diana sat, crashed and she died very quickly. After this situation, people started to disdain such crazy attempts of photographs to find celebrities. Unless such obsessed chases stop, there will be more and more s imilar fatal events.Each human deserves privacy because sometimes there are such events that people do not want to share with anyone. Thinking about the celebrities who suffer from serious illnesses and take infirmary care abroad, it seems weird that paparazzi may follow such people just to take a photo of an ill man or woman. There are lots of situations when photographs post pictures with celebrities who olfaction bad, have an frightful look because of medical treatment or surgery. It is more than clear that no human will ever have a appetency to show such photos even to friends. What can be the persons reaction when his pics are everywhere on the Internet? This may lead to stress, depression, other diseases. There is no excuse for those photo-hunters who neglect individuals privacy at least when the person does not feel good.It is significant that the fans, as well as social media representatives, see clear limits between the public and private life. There is a lot of informat ion which people want to find out about the famous personalities. For example, it is interesting to know how the celebrities achieved success, what their motivation and inspiration are. Journalists can ask such questions during the scheduled time for an interview. However, when it comes to personal life such as love, friendship, salary, these issues should be kept in confidentiality, unless the person wants to share this with everyone.Privacy incursion is not ethical because it is intentional, and should be forbidden by law. Peoples photos should be posted only with the permission. Otherwise, paparazzi must be fined. Sometimes when secret photographers post bad pictures and add scandalous articles, this may stop private lives. In such situations, famous people have to sue the journalists who invaded their privacy. Having said that, some people say that bad fame is still fame. Because of the work of paparazzi, unknown people can become popular. However, it is still up to them to de cide whether such sacrifice is justified. It means that if a public figure is against privacy intrusion, his or her desire should be protected by law.No matter which life a celebrity leads, no one can ever have a right to judge a person and spread gossips via the Internet. It is not that hard to make a photo and create a scandalous title which will make somebody notorious. However, it is hard to return good fame for a famous person after such gossips. Unfortunately, lots of readers are blind, and they believe everything they see. There is no guarantee that the photo has not undergone Photoshop Editing or the all news is just a huge lie. People should be more critical when commenting on such posts which have relation to the celebrities personal lives. If humans appreciate one another as well as the personal space of each individual, there will be fewer conflicts and problems not only in the world of celebrities but everyday life of ordinary people.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Movie Review: Gomorrah Essay
The film features five people whose lives be influenced by unionised crime. Don Ciro is a fearful middleman who dispenses money to imprisoned gangsters. In a delivery, Ciro is attacked by dickens gangsters who seek strike back from their traditional affiliate clan. To save his own life, Ciro takeers his services to the both gangsters. Ciro explains that he shadower lure the clan to a trap where they can kill them. The ii gangsters attacked the clan headquarters and killed everyone. Ciro is spared.Totois a delivery boy who witnesses drug dealers dump a adhesive friction of drugs and guns during a police raid. He takes the bag and returns it to the gang. The gang convinces him to join them. Toto agrees. Toto attends the initiation rites. After which, he is accepted as a member of the gang. At a particular instance, he witnesses one of his gang killed by a drive-by. The gang decides to exact revenge by choosing a particular victim. Maria Nazionale is chosen as the victim becaus e her son joined a rival gang. Salvatore lures Maria to a particular place where she is killed.Roberto is a skilled worker working in a waste management firm. Franco, his neighboring(a) boss, illegally dumps toxic wastes in abandoned quarries. In a particular operation, toxic waste is accidentally dispersed on a driver. Instead of bringing the driver, his boss hires a group of children to drive the trucks. Roberto resigns from his position in disgust. Pasquale is a skilled tailor who whole works for a curry factory proprietor (who is associated with the Camorra gang). He accepts a night job at the garment factory.Because the factory is a rival of the Camorra factory, hired gunmen open fire on his car. He escapes the gunning and leaves town for good. Marco and Ciro are teenagers aspiring to be top gangsters. They profit from buy and sell of drugs from African clients. The two infuriates the top bosses who beseech to kill them. Finally, the two are killed in a supposedly disguise d operation. Success and Arrogance. Marco and Ciros succeeder has infuriated the top mafia bosses in town. Their immediate boss warned them not to engage in charge up behavior in the street.Ignoring the warning, the two steal a set of weapons owned by the Camorra gang. To celebrate their success, the two fire off rounds in the banks of a canal. At a club, the Camorra gang warns them to return the stolen weapons. The two sojourn arrogant. The bosses try a different strategy. One of the bosses offers them to work for the mob. The boss offers them 10 000 Euros in exchange for the stolen weapons and a murder request. The two immediately accept the offer, not knowing that this is a pre-conceived trap. At the supposed target, the two are gunned down.Success, in this case, is manifested by the following behavior 1) cheating the Africans of the volume and price of drugs, 2) firing off rounds in the banks of a canal, and 3) accepting the offer of the local boss. Basking in immediate succe sses, the two are footsure that they could outwit the local bosses. Indeed, their rouse behavior has infuriated every gangster in town including their immediate boss. Their successes are not sustained by rational speculation. Indeed, the two perceive the offer as an running(a) to their success, failing to enlighten that it was a pre-conceived trap.In any case, their successes have left a powerful ikon on their egos. Both are confident that success is part of their self-consortium that failure does not exist deep down their self-imposed bounds. In reality, this is a prelude to a tragedy. Arrogance is the mirror image of self-reinforced success. Arrogance is manifested by the following behavior 1) ignoring the warning of their immediate boss, 2) refusing to return the stolen weapons to the Camorra gang, 3) ignoring the threat of the gang, 4) refusing to negotiate with the local bosses, and 5) failing to realize the existence of a trap.The environment of the scene can be describe d as serene, non-violent, beautiful, and economically prosperous. Yet, asshole this aura of calmness lies a great evil. The town is a bastion of organized crime. From a large perspective, crime organizations have persistent influence on the police, the local government, and the neighborhood. At night, drug dealers roam on the street looking for potential clients. At day, the local bosses engage in illegal proceeding. The neighborhood is subordinate to these bosses because they offer protection.The police is reluctant to arrest the bosses because of fear. Synchronous Sound. Sound is matched temporarily with the movements occurring in the image, as when intercourse corresponds to lip movements. A case example when Ciro and Marco are gunned down, the credits rolls down to the song Herculaneum (by Massive Attack). The thematic content of the song corresponds to the scene itself. Backlighting. Backlighting is deemphasized because the environment is serene and condescending. Backlight ing is essential in scenes where hasty drug transactions are depicted.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Customer Relationship Management and Sales Force
Chapter7 ANSWERS TO preaching QUESTIONS 1. How is e- clientele redefining old communication channel models, with the aid of technology, to maximize customer value? e- business enterprise is more than just buying and change of products and services through the means of digital media. Whereas e-commerce concentrates on buying and selling, e-business encompasses e-commerce and a whole lot more. For example, e-business includes both(prenominal)(prenominal) front and back-office actions that form the engine for modern business. e-business is redefining old business models through the aid of technology, to maximize customer value. -business is the use of the Internet and other networks and learning technologies to support electronic commerce, effort communications and collaboration, and wind vane-enabled business processes both within an internetworked initiative, and with its customers and business partners. 2. Why is there a trend toward cross- becomeal immixd enterprise co nstitutions in business? Cross-functional information systems ar integrated combinations of business information systems that sh ar information resources across the functional units of an organization.Integrated systems acknowl rim the same data to be used for multiple applications information output from one function feces easily become data input to another function. Only one integrated database needs to be maintained. Many organizations are using information technology to develop integrated cross-functional enterprise systems that cross the boundaries of conventional business functions in prescribe to reengineer and improve vital business processes all across the enterprise.These organizations view cross-functional enterprise systems as a strategic way to use IT to share information resources and improve the efficiency and forte of business processes, thus servicinging an e-business attain its strategic objectives. 3. Do you agree that ERP is the cover of e-Business? Why or why not? it sessful be argued that enterprise resource planning (ERP) could certainly be considered the backbone of e-business. Businesses today must be deeply involved in coordinating and conducting business in the bleak economy.Through technologies such as the Internet and other networks and information technologies businesses are able to support electronic commerce, enterprise communications and collaboration, and Web-enabled business processes both within an internetworked enterprise, and with its customers and business partners. 4. Refer to the Real World Case on Charles Schwab and Others in this chapter. What are the most important HR applications a company should brook to its employees via a Web-based system? Why?There are a number of important HR applications that a company butt and should offer their employees via a Web-based system. No matter what applications a company provides it must ensure that they are accurate, up to date, and provide the employees with the information they exigency. The purpose of the system is to free up the time for HR management to be more efficient in planning HR strategies than being burdened with boring paper work. For the employees, they want to be able to have access to the information that pertains to them, and the information that they need to satisfy their inquiry.Employees are implicated in issues such as pay and benefits, pension funds, stock options, vacation time, career opportunities, training and ontogeny initiatives, and other related personnel issues. 5. How do you think gross sales force mechanization affects salesperson productivity, market management, and competitive advantage? Sales force automation is the use of computers to automate sales recording and describe by sales people as good as communications and sales support.It improves productivity by saving time otherwise spent on manual creation of records, reports, and presentations it improves communications and accessibility to infor mation to support sales activities and it may help in planning sales tactics. Increasingly, computers and networks are providing the basis for sales force automation. In many companies, the sales force is being outfitted with notebook computers that connect them to Web browsers, and sales contact management software that connect them to merchandise websites on the Internet, extranets, and their company intranets.Sales force automation has resulted in increasing the personal productivity of salespeople, dramatically speed up the capture and analysis of sales data from the field to marketing managers at company headquarters, allows marketing and sales management to improve the delivery of information and the support they provide to their salespeople. Many companies view sales force automation as a way to gain a strategic advantage in sales productivity and marketing responsiveness. 6. How usher out Internet technologies be involved in improving a process in one of the functions of business?Choose one example and evaluate its business value. it will be relatively easy for them to make out from any of the various functions of business such as accounting, marketing, manufacturing, retailing, operations, and so on. In response to this question, the accounting function was chosen. Accounting information systems are being affected by Internet and client/server technologies. utilize the Internet, intranets, extranets, and other network changes have been made to the traditional methods of capturing and treat accounting data.As well, these technologies have assisted in how accounting information systems are being used to monitor and track business activity. The online, interactive nature of such networks calls for new forms of transaction documents, procedures, and controls. Many companies are using or developing network tie in to their trading partners through the use of the Internet or other networks for applications such as order processing inventory control, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.These advances in the accounting function have resulted in major improvements in the capturing, reporting, processing, and increased true statement of the data. Thus, realtime processing of accounting information enables executives to make better and more informed decisions involving their firms resources. 7. How can the Internet technologies improve customer consanguinitys, and service for a business? CRM is described as a cross-functional e-business application that integrates and automates many customer-serving processes in sales, direct marketing, accounting and order management, and customer service and support.Examples of business benefits of customer relationship management include CRM allows a business to identify and target their best customers those who are the most fat to the business, so they can be retained as lifelong customers for greater and more profitable services. CRM enables real-time customization and personalization of products and services based on customer wants, needs, buying habits, and life cycles. CRM can keep track of when a customer contacts the company, regardless of the contact point. CRM enables a company to provide a consistent customer baffle and superior service and support across all the contact points a customer chooses. The key to survival of the fittest today is through improved customer relationships. The Internet has enabled interactive marketing between a business and its customers. The Internet can improve customer value, as the customer becomes closer to the business. Through interactive marketing methods, the needs of the customer are being better served. Relationships between customers and business are besides greatly enhanced, and businesses are better able to provide their customers with the services requested. . Refer to the Real World Case Harrahs, DuPont, and genus Otis at the end of the chapter. What are several e-business applications that you might recommend to a small company to help it survive and succeed in challenging economic times? Why? Small businesses as well as large businesses must make serious attempts to ensure that they have a Web presence. Customers are turning to the Web as a means of conducting business, and the growth in B2B has been exceptional. Final consumers are besides ordering more products and services through the use of technology such as the Web.Small businesses can also have a successful website where they can offer their products and services to customers. Ensuring that the site is easy to navigate and order from is a major key to its success. If you are not going to actually sell products and services online, you can still use e-business applications to order from your suppliers online. By doing so, small businesses order products for just-in-time delivery, reduce inventory charges, and enable them to shop / click around for better deals. 9. Which of the 14 tools for enterprise collaboration summarized in Figure 7. 13 do you feel are essential for any business to have today?Which of them do you feel are optional, depending on the type of business or other factor? Explain. This question will vary, and much depends on what type of organization they are applying these enterprise collaboration tools to. For this exercise we will assume that the student is applying the tools to an technology environment requirement where the job is being designed in the United States, but being constructed in Argentina. Students can easily include and justify the requirement for all of the tools outlined in the electronic communication, electronic conferencing, and collaborative work management tools.However, if a student were to present the case of a university who does not offer extension courses, they may feel that there is no requirement for the school to use electronic conferencing tools. 10. What is the function and business value of using Internet technologies in tot up chain management? The go al of supply chain management is to give customers what they want, where they want it, and at the lowest possible cost. The goal of SCM is to Reduce be Increase efficiency Increase profits advance supply chain cycle times Improve performance in relationships with customers and suppliers Develop value-added services that give a company a competitive edge According to the Advanced Management Council, supply chain management has three business objectives Get the counterbalance product to the right place at the least cost. Keep inventory as low as possible and still offers superior customer service. Reduce cycle times. Supply chain management seeks to simplify and accelerate operations that deal with how customer orders are processed through the system and ultimately filled, as well as how raw materials are acquired and delivered for manufacturing processes.Businesses are increasingly dependent upon Internet technologies to improve their efficiencies. For example, companies are spend ing time and resources in improving their systems with those of their customers, partners, and suppliers. Through these improved systems, companies are better able to integrate interenterprise supply processes in order to improve manufacturing and distribution effectiveness. Companies are given SCM top priority and making it a large part of their e-business initiatives. By serving their customers better than their competitors, they are able to maintain and possibly gain market share.
Big Fat Tax Analysis
In the expression Big expound measure is no gut buster seed Susie Obrien attacking the new levy on the profuseing food industry. By the opening slogan, DONT tax the big mac she asserts her position on the tax. Written in bold the slogan immediately catches the eye and as it cleverly rhymes is very memorable. The causality continues in cementing her standing on the issue by saying that a junk food tax is not the answer and the rhetorical question that, why should reducing our weight start with our w exclusivelyets? Her target interview with this piece would be those for the tax as she argues that there are downsides to a tax on fast food as healthy as alternate(a)s that could be better. The image plastered in the centre of the article shows a man made of fast food. It relates to the subject of the article yet despite the amount of smarmy fast food also seems appetising. The author also states that she is definitely for helping overweight Australians however that a fat tax is not the answer.We see colloquial language which creates a feeling of comfortability with the author when she states a fat tax is such a, one-pronged rootage whilst also dismissing the idea as small-minded. The tone she has written in persuades readers to agree as she says, it (government) piece of tail remove every damned junk food vending machines from gyms, boast club houses and schools. The power in which the author says this makes her statement a real rallying point as if she is part of a protest.Whilst loaded language like damned and the rhetorical/loaded question of why do so many parents reward kids for playing sport with a packet of chips? This sentence consumes readers who do this a sense of guilt whilst those who dont may find it amusing. She then goes on to give the audience mortal else to blame for their fat with the rhetorical question of, Why not start by cracking down on irresponsible food labelling? She continues on with fact and research as she states that a ll our foods are, choc-full of toxic ingredients like saturated fats, trans fats, palm oil and high-fructose corn syrup, which is one of the leading sweeteners in food, still is very hard for the body to effectively break down. This makes the author seem knowledgeable on the subjects which can persuade readers into trusting her as she clearly knows what shes talking about. The author gives many alternatives to a fat tax which seem simple to impose as well as logical to reducing fleshiness rates.The author proposes ideas such as setting up safer pedestrian qualifyingways so that people (especially kids) may walk to places such as the local shops/schools. Inside these alternative solutions she can now turn it back on the fat tax by using loaded sentences such as, Why does every social solution seem to involve taking money out of my pocket and putting it into Treasury? as well as, In short, if it (the government) wanted to, it could stop this problem in its tracks. But instead its being told merely to increment taxes.Talk about punishing the victim. The author befriends her audience and makes it seem like shes one of us/on our side so that it persuades readers to come round to her view. Her use of rhetorical questions makes readers come to assumptions that she wants them to. Whilst also giving them someone to blame in the government alluding that they are simply out for out money. Her powerful final sentence, So lets forget fads like tax on fast food, that will just make takeaways more pricy and will do nothing to careen the way people live their lives.Lets do more to change every single day to make life healthier for everyone. leaves readers with a sense of duty and that the authors aim is simply to help us, the people persuading us to be against the fat tax. Susie Obrien uses rhetorical questions and loaded language to coax readers into making assumptions about the government and the fat tax. Clever slogans and imagery helps her arguments be memorable as well as logical. She creates someone to blame as well as alternative solutions which makes a fat tax seem small-minded. This persuades readers to agree with her postion.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Free Trade Challenges in the NAIOS Region ( In-Class Exercise ) Case Study
Free Trade Challenges in the NAIOS portion ( In-Class Exercise ) - Case Study Examplebring to your attention that my state have massively suffered from nutriment and water contamination due to the effect that comes from use of biological agents by PWP.This has compromised the fish industry among others. The state of war with Rantania has frustrated any efforts of cunning between the two countries. This has really affected our economy as almost of our exports like carrots and tobacco have been banned from being imported to Rantania. Our oil is not as cunning as it used to be as its facing price pressure from the discovery of off-shore oil and from selection energy like hydropower in states like Lamar. Instability in the region has compromised foreign direct investments and trade with states outside our region.Under these conditions, my government was forced to enact legislation that not only raises revenue only if also protects its citizens. We imposed a 45% tariff on all impo rted tobacco and 65 % levy on Oil and Oil related products. Due to concerns of water contamination, the importation of fish from Rantania and bare-ass Aldonia has been
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Mandarin Oriental Group case study - Assignment
mandarin orange Oriental Group case study - - Assignment ExampleIn such context, the researcher will use these strategic tools conjointly to identify three key away environmental factors that will shape strategic direction of the luxury hotel and hospitality industry. External Factor 1 (Uncertain economic condition) this remote factor is being identified by employ PEST and opportunities/Threats matrix. Operating follow for hotels has increased due to ongoing ill effect of previous economic recession, oil price fluctuation, self-reliant debt crisis and inflationary pressure (Campiranon, 2010). As a result, salary margin for luxury hotel and hospitality industry is fall and lack of availability of financial revenue is negatively affecting industry growth. In context to Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group (MOHG), volatile economic condition of macro environment can decrease their profit margin and revenue earning opportunity in future. External Factor 2 (Decline of theme based Hotels) - this external factor is being identified by using Boston Matrix and Product life cycle. With reverse of modern life style and globalisation, demand for theme based hotels is decreasing and customers want all the facilities infra one roof (Szulanski, 2009). As a result, theme based hotels have become less economic and the industry is observing rapid divestment by theme based hotels in order to avoid still financial loss. In context to MOHG, declining sales of theme based hotels might cause saturation and obsolete certain segment of product portfolio. As a result, business growth of company will perplex negatively affected. External Factor 3 (Hypercompetitive Environment) - this external factor is being identified by using Porter 5 forces. Presence of many international and large domestic players has increased level of rivalry within the industry. Similarity in product portfolio, small target market and high customer drudge rate
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Exercise - Essay voiceThe trimming of monetary standard bookcases being 0.2 hours per unit is multiplied by one hundred fifty hours per month to get 75 which is expected value. This is deducted from 150 multiplied by one hundred and divided by the actual which is 150 to get 50%.Trimmer has also drudgery of sixty per centum bookcases and forty percent labor of wide bookcases. Shaper has the production of forty percent production standard bookcases, then fifty percent production of narrow bookcases and fifty percent production of wide bookcases. Assembling machine has sixty lead percent productions of all bookcases of the current sizes. Their optimal allocation is supposed to match by their production drive on so trimmer wider machine is supposed to be aligned with shaper standard producer. Trimmer standard producer is supposed to be allocated with the shaper narrow producer because their speed matches. Shaper wider machine may be allocated followed by trimmer narrow machine, b ecause their speed does not differ much. In conclusion, corporation production machines are supposed to be aligned by their average percentage speed.Chang Hyun Kim and Yushin Hong (1999). An optimal production belt along length in deteriorating production processes. Retrieved on January 15, 1999 from
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