Saturday, August 31, 2019

Silver Fiddle

Silver Fiddle Construction 1) Identify potential risks associated with this project. Try to come up with at least five different risks. Now that we have clearly defined the key aspects and variables associated with this project. A brief description of the risks I identified begins with Silver Fiddle’s practice of using subcontractors. * Silver Fiddle routinely subcontracts build work to local subcontractors. As previously discussed, Silver Fiddle is scheduled to build eleven homes this year, and these homes will be built in a local housing market which can be described as â€Å"booming†.Since the Czopek home is scheduled to be built within five months, our concern is that there will be a lack of subcontractors available to work on the home, given the booming housing market and the multiple homes being constructed simultaneously. We feel a well-designed time estimation based upon parametric procedures would help identify when specific subcontractors would be needed, allo wing Silver Fiddle to â€Å"book† each subcontractor for the correct time required in advance. Simply put, parametric procedures are methods of estimating based upon data from past projects.This old data is then used to devise a cost, or in this case, a timeline, which is relevant to the new procedure. This is based upon the similarities between the legacy project data and the current project scope. These similarities are key for parametric procedures to yield accurate estimates. An alternate means of mitigating this risk is to identify a secondary set of subcontractors who are not in the local area and likely to be available during the forecasted time. * The next risk we identified was the possibility of not meeting the five month deadline for completion.We felt this was in part due to a lack of equipment and manpower. Since Silver Fiddle will be completing eleven other homes, the availability of their organic, or in house workers, along with their high-cost, high-use, limit ed availability equipment such as Earth movers, excavators and the like, may be restricted * The availability of building supplies is another risk we feel is relevant to the project. With a number of other homes being built by Silver Fiddle coupled with a brisk housing market comprised of other homes being uilt simultaneously by other builders, a shortage of building materials is a real possibility. Since Silver Fiddle specializes in custom built homes, there is also a possibility that the Czopek have selected their home particulars, such as fixtures and other details from local vendors who may or may not have those items in stock when the time comes to purchase and install them. Other supplies in short demand could be items such as lumber, concrete, plywood, shingles, drywall and other construction materials. * Since Silver Fiddle only employs a bookkeeper part time, we feel this presents an opportunity for risk.Without a full-time bookkeeper, it would be easy for Silver Fiddle to lose track of costs, manpower scheduling and severely impede their ability to monitor the overall progress of the project. Additionally, we feel this could also prevent Silver Fiddle from having real-time evaluation capability of other aspects of the project. * The final significant risk my firm identified is the possibility of not meeting the established budget ceiling of $320,000. There are many variables which we feel could cause the cost of build to exceed the budget.Some of those variables include having to pay a premium for in-demand subcontractors, the cost of buying and shipping materials and/or unique detailed items not locally available, and the rising cost of fuel for heavy construction equipment. Another variable which could cause the project to exceed the budget is scope creep. We feel that developing a responsible time-phased budget along with the establishment of common sense phase gates would help reduce unexpected costs and ensure the project remained on track finan cially. ) Use a risk assessment matrix similar to figure 7. 4 to analyze identified risks. The risk assessment form at Figure 1 provides a graphic representation of the risks we previously introduced and identified. Although in our previous discussion, we provided detailed information about each risk, the risk assessment form includes additional information on our evaluation of the likelihood and impact of each risk. Figure 1. Risk Assessment Form Risk Event| Likelihood| Impact| Detection Difficulty|Lack of preferred subcontractors| 3| 4| 2| Exceeding five month deadline| 4| 2| 2| Lack of available building supplies| 2| 3| 1| Inadequate oversight due to bookkeeper continuity| 4| 4| 1| Exceeding the budget| 2| 4| 1| In reviewing the likelihood and impact data from Figure 1, it is clear we feel that it is very likely that the project will exceed the five month deadline and, without proactive measures now, inadequate oversight will result from the current bookkeeper arrangement.The hig h likelihood we assign to exceeding the time limit is due to a great number of variables upon which the construction time is dependent. Should any one of these variables, such as lack of personnel, key equipment, supplies, etc. become problematic, it would impact other dependent variables, ultimately causing the project to exceed the deadline. Additionally, the customers have already expressed their preference to extend the deadline if it means a cost savings, and that is another scenario which may impact the completion date.The fact that the customer has given approval for extending the due date in favor of saving money demonstrates that a firm deadline is not a major consideration for the customer and is the reason we assign an impact factor of 2 for this event. On the other hand, we assigned a likelihood factor of 2 to exceeding the budget since we feel the budget will be scrutinized over the life of the build, reducing the likelihood that it will become an issue, and an impact f actor of 4 due to its importance to the customer.We assigned a likelihood factor of 4 to inadequate project oversight due to lack of a full-time bookkeeper. We also assigned an impact factor of 4 to this risk event as well, since lack of fiscal oversight would render it nearly impossible to monitor and curb costs, which is a priority of the customers. 3) Develop a risk response matrix similar to figure 7. 7 to outline how would deal with each of the risks. Let’s review our risk response matrix, located at Figure 2. This matrix provides responses and contingency plans for each risk event. Figure 2. Risk Response MatrixRisk Event| Response| Contingency Plan| Trigger | Who is Responsible| Lack of preferred subcontractors| Use parametric procedures to design a time estimation schedule| Use an alternate set of contractors from outside the local area| Subcontractors report they are unavailable for the project| Project manager| Exceeding five month deadline| Use resource leveling to smooth resource allocation and use heuristics| Lease equipment and operators| Resource leveling efforts are unsuccessful at smoothing allocations| Project manager| Lack of available building supplies| Advance purchase and store known needed supplies| Source multiple vendors for detailed items for customer wants| Should be done immediately| Construction foreman| Inadequate oversight due to bookkeeper continuity| Make current, part-time bookkeeper a full-time employee| Hire another bookkeeper to augment current bookkeeper’s hours| Should be done immediately| Office manager| Exceeding the budget| Develop a time-phased budget| Develop and implement project phase gates| Upon completion of project scope| Project manager| In evaluating each risk, we have done our best to not only develop a common sense response action in the event each risk occurs, but also to identify an emergency contingency plan for each risk event as well. Additionally, we have identified â€Å"trigger† events, or events which would indicate response actions and/or contingency plans should be implemented. Finally, we have assigned responsibility for the monitoring or each risk and the implementation of the response plans.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Graduation Speech

First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming to our graduation. What this ceremony is, is a celebration of a major accomplishment in our lives, the accomplishment of achieving an education. For many of us it has taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get here, so today is our reward for the long hours we devoted to reading, writing, and researching, for the stress of taking difficult tests, and for the difficulties we have had to overcome. Though this ceremony recognizes OUR efforts in this accomplishment, it also recognizes and pays homage to the dedication of our parents. Today is the return on the work they invested in us through patient teaching and parenting. We would not have been able to accomplish this much without their help. Their guidance has allowed us to grow into men and woman of character, capable of doing great things. This ceremony is also both an end, and a beginning. It is the end of childhood, of a period of growing and maturing. But, it is also the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, one that is full of the promise of what we may accomplish. While I have the time I want to address the accomplishments of the past as well as the promise and potential of the future. Graduating is our accomplishment, but we wouldn’t have made it here if it wasn’t for the heroic efforts of our parents. They are the ones who chose to add to their titles of parent, homemaker, and provider, the title of teacher, and with that the responsibility of educating us. They voluntarily took on this extra responsibility, because they felt that personally seeing to our education was best for us, so at the expense of their free time, and perhaps just a bit of their sanity, they decided to home school us. It was this dedication to giving us the best education possible that has brought us here. Whenever we struggled in school, whenever we didn’t understand, they did what it took to help us learn, usually, that meant spending even more of the precious little free time they had not already sacrificed to homeschooling, to teaching and relearning every subject that they hated to do when they were in school. When we were frustrated and on the verge of throwing our textbooks across the room, they where the ones who came and spoke the encouraging words that motivated us to overcome whatever trouble we encountered. As our teachers, they taught us much, but as our parents they taught us even more. Along with giving us lessons in math and science, they have constantly taught us lessons in values. By their example, we have learned to walk with integrity and faith, showing character in all that we do. They have shown us that there is no limit to what we can accomplish when we work diligently and patiently. These values will stay with us longer than anything else that we have learned. No matter where we go, no matter what we do, they will be there to help guide us. With graduation ends our journey through high school. For many of us, it’s been a long, rough road to get here. Difficulties have come in the form of poor health and injury. Some of us have struggled financially, and all of us have faced the pressure of difficult classes. These trials have not made us bitter, they have not crushed our spirit, but they have helped shape us. Often it turns out that difficulty, strife, and stress are ingredients of strength, for instance steel is one of the most reliable and durable materials known to man. To make steel, iron ore is heated to a temperature of over one-thousand degrees Celsius, but because of that incredible heat, it becomes strong. It can then be made into almost anything: bridges, skyscrapers, ships, airplanes, tools, machines, even works of art. From the incredible heat it is subjected to, it gains the strength that allows it to be used to anything. The challenges we have faced have strengthened us like the heat strengthens steel. From our adversity, we have learned to overcome, to meet hardship with hard work, hopelessness with faith, and to be unyielding in all of our values. Now we stand here, as adults preparing to walk out into the world, ready to shape our future, and no matter what path we take in life I know that we will never forget the life lessons that have been taught to us, they will enable us to be successful in all of our endeavors. We are ready to become students with an open mind and a hunger for knowledge, pursuing truth with the aid of the wisdom and discernment impressed upon us by our parent’s teachings, or to become workers ready to excel at our jobs because of the examples set before us in diligence and discipline by our parents and role models. Yes, for us the future looks bright! Graduation Speech First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming to our graduation. What this ceremony is, is a celebration of a major accomplishment in our lives, the accomplishment of achieving an education. For many of us it has taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get here, so today is our reward for the long hours we devoted to reading, writing, and researching, for the stress of taking difficult tests, and for the difficulties we have had to overcome. Though this ceremony recognizes OUR efforts in this accomplishment, it also recognizes and pays homage to the dedication of our parents. Today is the return on the work they invested in us through patient teaching and parenting. We would not have been able to accomplish this much without their help. Their guidance has allowed us to grow into men and woman of character, capable of doing great things. This ceremony is also both an end, and a beginning. It is the end of childhood, of a period of growing and maturing. But, it is also the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, one that is full of the promise of what we may accomplish. While I have the time I want to address the accomplishments of the past as well as the promise and potential of the future. Graduating is our accomplishment, but we wouldn’t have made it here if it wasn’t for the heroic efforts of our parents. They are the ones who chose to add to their titles of parent, homemaker, and provider, the title of teacher, and with that the responsibility of educating us. They voluntarily took on this extra responsibility, because they felt that personally seeing to our education was best for us, so at the expense of their free time, and perhaps just a bit of their sanity, they decided to home school us. It was this dedication to giving us the best education possible that has brought us here. Whenever we struggled in school, whenever we didn’t understand, they did what it took to help us learn, usually, that meant spending even more of the precious little free time they had not already sacrificed to homeschooling, to teaching and relearning every subject that they hated to do when they were in school. When we were frustrated and on the verge of throwing our textbooks across the room, they where the ones who came and spoke the encouraging words that motivated us to overcome whatever trouble we encountered. As our teachers, they taught us much, but as our parents they taught us even more. Along with giving us lessons in math and science, they have constantly taught us lessons in values. By their example, we have learned to walk with integrity and faith, showing character in all that we do. They have shown us that there is no limit to what we can accomplish when we work diligently and patiently. These values will stay with us longer than anything else that we have learned. No matter where we go, no matter what we do, they will be there to help guide us. With graduation ends our journey through high school. For many of us, it’s been a long, rough road to get here. Difficulties have come in the form of poor health and injury. Some of us have struggled financially, and all of us have faced the pressure of difficult classes. These trials have not made us bitter, they have not crushed our spirit, but they have helped shape us. Often it turns out that difficulty, strife, and stress are ingredients of strength, for instance steel is one of the most reliable and durable materials known to man. To make steel, iron ore is heated to a temperature of over one-thousand degrees Celsius, but because of that incredible heat, it becomes strong. It can then be made into almost anything: bridges, skyscrapers, ships, airplanes, tools, machines, even works of art. From the incredible heat it is subjected to, it gains the strength that allows it to be used to anything. The challenges we have faced have strengthened us like the heat strengthens steel. From our adversity, we have learned to overcome, to meet hardship with hard work, hopelessness with faith, and to be unyielding in all of our values. Now we stand here, as adults preparing to walk out into the world, ready to shape our future, and no matter what path we take in life I know that we will never forget the life lessons that have been taught to us, they will enable us to be successful in all of our endeavors. We are ready to become students with an open mind and a hunger for knowledge, pursuing truth with the aid of the wisdom and discernment impressed upon us by our parent’s teachings, or to become workers ready to excel at our jobs because of the examples set before us in diligence and discipline by our parents and role models. Yes, for us the future looks bright!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Black swan movie review

Black Swan Review In the movie Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronosk, the storyline is about a timid ballet dancer in her progress in a demanding environment of professional ballet. Throughout the film, Nina (the main character) shows countless ways of sacrificing ones self for the positive progression of her performance. There are various times where Nina gets in touch with herself in a way to become a more efficient ballet dancer, and performer. Ninas ballet director has a huge impact on her, influencing her ways. He mentions how she needs to get in touch with her bad side, considering Ninas personality is much like a the white swan being timid, innocent, and pure. There are multiple references connected to trauma based mind control which links to this different alternative person in Ninas mind. In a way Nina is the white swan, while in the play she also plays the black swan being the bad side as well. Ninas develops both sides of the white and black swan personality traits. Ninas sense of reality and fictions beings to become foggy. Losing herself in a sense of insanity in her own mind. Ninas mother is also another link to Ninas personality. I believe the overbearingness of her mother plays a major role in Ninas life. I felt like the director meant to give the audience a sense that Ninas hostile environment is also another factor. Ninas mother was an ex ballet dancer, and only wants Nina to be successful. She inflicts her dreams on her daughter. I feel there was nothing really positive that Nina gained through her road to success of being a ballet star as black swan. Ninas life is consumed with nothing but ballet and quickly develops an unhealthy bsession with the role. Basically I got impression that Nina was a Schizophrenic. She was hallucinating, and seeing things in herself, people, and everything around her. She seemed to be paranoid about everything, and she barely had any trust in not only herself, her peers, and her mother especially. She had an enormous pressure to be perfect, but that only led her to put herself through some extreme limits. She continued to question her own identity, and her sexuality which is all real life issues which can cause mental issues with some people.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Construction Safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Construction Safety - Assignment Example The other is hazard training, mitigation and identification. Here supervisors and other employees need to be trained on how to avoid hazards and handle them if they occur. The other component is the various policies and procedures that a company follows in hazard control. There is also the training documentation needed so as to have only certified workers on the site. According to HSE (2010), these components in the actual plan are grouped into four: Plan Administration – organization, training requirements, accident management etc; Project health and safety guidelines – first aid and medical availability, attire, equipment operation and inspection, site restrictions, health hazards etc; responsibility – project manager, safety coordinator, supervisors and workers; and emergency components – emergency procedures, job safety analysis and phone numbers. Implementation of the plan cannot start without first developing the plan itself. After this relevant personnel with required expertise are sought. All the factors in relation to the site need to be considered e.g. geography, external influence e.g. political and social. Project indoctrination should take foot with set golden rules on health and safety procedures (HSE 2010). When the goals set are well executed using the plan then success needs to be

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ethnographic Study of the Skateboarding Culture Essay

Ethnographic Study of the Skateboarding Culture - Essay Example The purpose of this essay is to provide an ethnographic description of the language, behavior, values and beliefs of the skateboarders in order to understand their cultural orientation as a group. In this ethnographic study, the culture of skateboarding is described through observing skateboarders in action. The findings suggest ideas of concern for safety, acceptance, progression, self-expression of style and energy & drive. Through the observation of cultural artifacts and styles of communication, the culture of competitive skateboarding is described and all the generalizations encompassed in skateboarding discussed. Using the small sample of skateboarders, data will be collected and analyzed in order to draw conclusions about the culture of skateboarding ethnographically. This essay has revealed that skaters are not rebels or social deviants, as they are normally perceived by the society. They are often banned from certain areas because of this perception and this limits their fre edom. The female skateboarders describe it as comfortable, empowering, adventurers and fun. The males also say the same as everyone seems to be happy with skateboarding because of their love for it. The researcher states that skateboarders should not be judged harshly as the case is because they have a good organizational culture. The culture empowers them into being responsible adults because it encourages cooperation and support for each other regardless of the differences based on age, race or sexual orientation.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Forensic Accounting class discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Forensic Accounting class discussion - Assignment Example Software applications use a combination of functions, some of which include sorting, joining files, as well as record selection and extraction among others. Sorting entails arrangement of the data in some order, which can be regarded as meaningful; this may include the customer number, date, name, and amount. Joining files entails the gathering of various parts of different files of data. Record selection and extraction entails making a request for the computer to find occurrences in a certain field, which matches a criterion that interests the investigator (Kranacher, Riley & Wells, 2011). Skimming involves the stealing of cash from an entity before it enters into the accounting system. Sales skimming is referred as an â€Å"off-book† fraud since the cash is stolen from the victim before its recording in books of the victim (Kranacher, Riley & Wells, 2011). Fraudsters may use various techniques with the sole aim of concealing a receivables scheming scheme. One of the techniques used to conceal this form of fraud includes the creation of fake accounts. The write-off of inventories is also another method used to conceal a receivables scheming scheme (Kranacher, Riley & Wells, 2011). The difference between skimming and cash larceny is that skimming entails the stealing of cash before the recording of the cash. As a result, it becomes one of the difficult frauds to detect. On the other hand, cash larceny involves the theft of cash by employees after its recording in the books of the entity. As such, larceny is can easily be detected than skimming (Kranacher, Riley & Wells,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sociology - Medical Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sociology - Medical Knowledge - Essay Example Fleck's main assertions came through his assessment of the research done on syphilis. He shows that our "thought style" through the ages accounts for the evolution of syphilis studies. The first thinking was from "mystical-ethical" ideas in which syphilis was thought to have come from both fornication and the position of the stars (White, 2002). The second stage of thought was that syphilis was a reaction to heavy metals such as mercury, which was "empirical-therapeutic" thinking. The third stage developed pathogenic thought that caused "perverted blood" to be the main cause of syphilis. And the last, modern, thought style is that of etiological thinking, which arose through the Wasserman reaction that allowed for syphilis testing to be done. Fleck worked on the last stage and notes how the research that discovered this procedure was based upon all the thought styles that had gone before (ibid.). The culture of the first stage relied heavily on the stars for much of their "research". The culture of the third stage may have come from the socio-political influences of the time, a moral outrage of the times, especially as a result of all the reigning kings that came down with syphilis infections. Our current thinking about syphilis is based on the background and training, according to Fleck, of modern day researchers, including his own. Fleck believed that even the study of bacteriology has been a reflection of our social viewpoint, that it is a social product. He points to common metaphors such as "invading microorganisms invading the body" as being aligned with the expansion of imperialism. It has also been a large concern of militaries throughout centuries of warfare that the soldiers have contracted syphilis. The ways that people also describe bacteria as "demons infecting the person" is a reflection of the impact of religion on the sciences. As another example of Fleck's thoughts on constructed medical knowledge, anatomical drawings through history have reflected the thinking of the era. The ancient drawings depicting skeletons, for instance, showed them as death figures and seemed designed to remind people of their mortality. An emotional element was also included in ancient drawings, such as those of the knee that referred to it as the "site of mercy" (White, 2002). By contrast, modern drawings of the human body draw more from the Industrial Revolution (ibid.) by looking mechanized, such as Descartes clockworks. Bernard Stern showed the opposition to medical practices that we take for granted now when they were first used. Dissection was challenged for the prevailing religious views. Vaccinations were thought to be an unskilled practice not useable by practitioners of their time because they could not charge enough of a fee for them. And the spread of infection by doctors was disputed by doctors because it insulted their professional integrity. The modern thinking that medicines are the only thing to impact the body while inert products do not can be shown to be a constructed piece of medical "knowledge". This "thought collective" does not account for the 90% cure rate of ulcers with placebo (Moerman, 1981). Fleck calls this "the result of Cartesianism, a mind/body dichotomy." Health Promoters' Version of Socially Constructed Health Knowledge Constructionists question the validity of objectivity and factuality in medical knowledge because of the impact of

Corporate theory and pratice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporate theory and pratice - Essay Example ther regulatory bodies therefore acted urgently initiating a raft of new amendments aimed at halting firms from concealing underperforming portfolios through ingenious accounting practices (Brodie, 2008). Consequently the IASB and the FASB issued amendments to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures that permit the reclassification of some financial instruments and require consequential additional disclosures in respect of any reclassification made.   These amendments were issued to address the current market conditions and, due to its urgency, were issued without the normal due process  (IASB & FASB, 2009). The Financial Statement Presentation is one of the seven joint IASB and FASB financial accounting projects set to concluded by the year 2011 in three phases [See Table 1]. The main preposition was the introduction of a cohesive, disaggregated, and liquid and flexible. The FSP Discussion Paper (DP) – Preliminary views on Financial Statement Presentation is founded on three premises which require a presentation of the FSP in such a way that: ‘establish a standard that will guide the organization and presentation of information in the financial statements...the management of an entity communicates financial statement information to users of financial statements, such as present and potential equity investors, lenders, and other creditors...improve the usefulness of the information provided in an entity’s financial statements to help users make decisions in their capacity as capital providers.’ (IASB and FASB, 2009, Pg.1) The board’s primary intention is for firms to present a singular financial statement with the objective of enhancing the financial presentation model that is analogous and uniform hence decipherable to the users. The projected presentation model necessitates a firm to present the financial information in a way that depicts how it operates its business disengaged from data

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Organizational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Organizational Culture - Essay Example An initiative to innovate is not enough to make an organization innovative, on this basis; organizations must have certain characteristics that would encourage innovation. One such characteristic is having a clear mission, objective, aim and strategy. These organizations normally have a relevant and unique strategy that motivates their employees to be innovative. For example companies such as Google, Facebook, and Apple have a clear strategy, which are well communicated to their employees, and they relentlessly follow these strategies. For example, one of the strategies and aims of Apples is to create sleek and beautiful telecommunication technologies, which are easy to use . Looking at this vision and strategy, it is very clear what then objective of the company is, and employees of the organization will therefore strive hard, for purposes of developing high quality technology that satisfies this strategy. Another characteristic of these organizations is that they are market leaders on whatever business field that they engage in. This is because the companies under consideration use their innovative products for purposes of achieving the strategic goals of the organization. However, it is important to understand that market leadership does not always translate to being profitable. Take for example a company such as Amazon, which has always been innovative from the beginning, establishing standards that regulate the e-commerce. However, the company was able to become profitable after a considerable number of years.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Response - Essay Example he globe may be different from that acquired in any other part of the world; hence people should be hired based upon the expertise that they have learned. People gain expertise and knowledge based upon the different culture and their native work environment hence they display their skills much better in those environments in which they have gained those skills. Equal opportunity employer will always be able to gain better employees because of lack of discrimination hence it is decisive that people with diverse backgrounds should be hired. Question: It is very important to have a diverse staff because everyone can communicate with their own race in case they dont understand the language and everyone could help each other out with the tasks and supports one another. The intern Im at is diverse with employees who are Hispanic, Polish, and Swedish. Everyone supports one another and gets along. So I think is a great idea that we should have a diversify place of unity and peace in the work environment.  Ã‚   Answer: Diverse staff helps in better communication through proper conveyance of objective being laid down by the top management; hence this helps in better goal congruence and much greater success for an organization. Question: International companies definitely hire people of different ethnicity so they can have translators. Many companies are expanding outside of their region to do business worldwide. This is why diversity is needed in the workplace. Answer: Multinational organizations hire people from different ethnic background because it helps in better deliverance of the goals to the different employees hired. Besides that, people from different ethnic backgrounds can be transferred to any office of the same country in any other region and this would also help in reduction of costs of hiring staff in that particular region (Expertise may also flow from one region to another with ease). Question: In todays world, everything is very cultural. People travel

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Macbeth coursework act 3 scene 4 Essay Example for Free

Macbeth coursework act 3 scene 4 Essay Macbeth is so important in this scene because its all about him in this scene and every thing that happens is revolving round him. Before this Banquo was killed by Macbeths hired murderers. During this scene Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the lords are in the dining hall. They are celebrating Macbeth becoming king of Scotland, Macbeth starts to make a toast to celebrate the event when one of the murderers runs in and tells him that Banquo is dead. Macbeth then says,to our beloved friend who will be greatly missed. After this Macbeth walks back to his seat to see Banquo sitting there in his seat reaching out to him drenched in blood. Macbeth is extremely shocked he drops his cup and gasps. Macbth starts to panic and walks back still staring at the seat where he saw Banquos apparition and says, dont shake thy gory locks at me. In this particular age people really believed in ghosts and the supernatural. They also believed that you really would go to hell if you committed mortal sins in your life .They also believed that only god could make a man into a king and only god could take his life and if anyone were to take it into their own hands would pay dearly. ` Everything was going considerably smoothly up until this point at the banquet. Everything before this was quite relaxed until an excited mood starts to kick in during the banquet and it gets the audience excited and ready for more exciting stuff to happen. It sets an edgy unrelaxed and chaotic mood. We learn that Macbeth is now at this stage very paranoid and scared. Scared that someone will find out about what he has done and scared of the consequences. He knows deep down that he will have to keep killing to cover all this up and that is what he scared of. He said he would rather face a tiger than to keep on fighting with these ghosts and apparitions. Lady Macbeth constantly tries to reassure Macbeth that everything is all right and tries to calm down the lords who are present throughout all the commotion. She assures the worried lords that he will be fine saying on a thought he will be alright again. Macbeth is loosing it and is saying things to the lords which of you have done this in a very accusing manner. Ross then seems very concerned for Macbeth as he says what sights my lord, because Macbeth is the only one in the room who can see this apparition. In other words Ross is asking what are you seeing in these hallucinations. Macduff does not attend the banquo because he suspects Macbeth to be up to something mischievous and becoming king so quickly. This does not help Macbeth and Duncans grudge between each other as we see them fight later on in the play. After the banquet Macbeth is talking to Lady Macbeth still very shaken and anxious by what happened he says to her it will have blood they say and blood will have blood. He also says, I am in blood steeped so far that should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o er.Which basically means that that he is in this too deep now and he cant get out of the trouble he has landed himself in. Which is the constant state of paranoia guilty conciseness and regret he is in and cant get out of. The symbolism in this scene during the banquet is the ghost of Banquo. It is a symbol of Macbeths guilt and the terrible thing he has done to his one time good friend Banquo. The blood also shows symbolism in a way that blood will have more blood. It might mean he may have to keep killing if he wishes to remain out of the list of suspects of murderers In other words he will kill any who oppose him or try to prove that he was the one who killed banquo and king Duncan. There is a lot of dramatic effectiveness in this scene. The moods change very suddenly during the banquet scene when Macbeth was making a speech the last thing you thought you were going to see is the bloody ghost of Banquo sitting there calling out to Macbeth. And before this it was all merriment with the lords all gathered round the table eating drinking and chatting to each other and all of a sudden this happened. There was also a lot of dramatic effectiveness in the language that was used such as dont shake thy gory locks at me, they say blood will have blood, what man dare, I dare approach the rugged Russian bear, the armed rhino or the hyrcan tiger, take any shape but that my firm nerves shall never tremble. A lot of dramatic effectiveness was used to make this scene, powerful, shocking, gripping and in some parts frightening. A Shakespearean audience would be very surprised and excited watching a play of Macbeth. This is because back then the upper rich class who by the way would have been the only kind of people who would have seen this play, would not be as used to bloody and violent scenes as there are in Macbeth. So Shakespeare was in a way quite ahead of his time when it came to writing plays. On the other hand a modern audience would not in my opinion act too shocked at the frightening bits of this scene as modern society are more hardened toward violence. This scene is one of the main thrilling scenes in the play and I think that is important because it adds that thrilling element that I think a lot of plays and films need to not stay too boring and one noted. The Mcbeth play was written for the ruling king james who was in power at that time and for the rich audience of the shakespearian era.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Knowledge on Prevention of Occupational Hazards | Research

Knowledge on Prevention of Occupational Hazards | Research CHAPTER- I INTRODUCTION â€Å"Working may be an occupational hazard to you. Not working is an occupational hazard to the country.† (12 Eustace 8:5) Work is considered as a basic part of human existence. Most of the adults spend approximately one-third to one-fourth of their life time at work and often perceives work as a part of their self identity, self-expression and self-fulfilment. Many people believe that work is worship, equally important is the place of work because the workplace has significant influence on individual’s health and is a primary site for the delivery of preventive health care. (Rogers, 2006) The level of occupational health and safety, socioeconomic development of a country, quality of life and wellbeing of working people are not only closely linked with each other but also influence each other. This suggests that intellectual and economic inputs on occupational health care are not burdens but have a positive and productive impact on the company and national economy. Some industries and countries have demonstrated that it is technically feasible and economically productive to prevent and minimize hazards at work. This occupational health is an important factor for sustainable socio-economic development that enables workers to enjoy a healthy and productive life both throughout their active working years and beyond, especially after their retirement. (WHO, 2005) Textile industry is one of the leading industries both in India and in the world at large. Nearly 14% of the total industrial production comes from textile industry and it forms around 3% of GNP in India. After Indian railways, Indian textile industry seems to generate more employment. (India Business Directory, 2010) The current global labour force stands at about 2600 million and is growing continuously. Approximately 75% of these working people are in developing countries. The officially registered population constitutes 60-70% of the world’s adult male and 30-60% of the world’s adult female population. Each year another 40 million people join the labour force and most of them are in developing countries. It is imperative therefore to realize that workplace environmental hazards are a threat to a large proportion of the world population. Occupational health is a branch of Community Medicine which deals with the effects of occupation of workplace on human health (Park. JE, 2009). Every occupation is associated with one or other ill effects on health. One such occupational group is cotton textile workers. (Hunter’s Disease of Occupation, 2008) The major health problems associated with cotton dust are respiratory problems, which include Byssinosis, pneumonitis and Emphysema. The problems are highly prevalent in the mills of developing countries. (Fantahumand Adebe, 2009) Byssinosis is an occupational lung disease often observed among workers exposed to cotton dust. Despite the fact that byssinosis has been recognized for over 100 years, the etiology and pathogenesis remain obscure. The ability of textile fibres to produce byssinosis is determined by fibre type-cotton being the most potent, followed by flax, hemp. Harvested cotton consists of a mixture of plant materials including leaves, bracts and stems, fibre, bacteria, fungi, and other contaminants. Very importantly, the compounds which cause byssinosis are water soluble. The biological activity of cotton can be greatly reduced by either steaming or washing the cotton before processing the textile work. (David, 2006) The occurrence of respiratory symptoms represents the earliest response to cotton dust exposure, followed by lung function changes. Early respiratory symptoms may be a risk factor for subsequent loss of pulmonary function in cotton textile workers. (David, 2006) The severity and extent of problem are well recognized in the developed countries and control measures have been implemented to prevent the disease. This is not true, however, for developing countries where the severity and extent of the problem are not well studied and preventive measure are far from adequate. (J.R.Parikh, 2007) The occupational health nurse plays an important role in maintaining health and safety of employees by assessing the work site for hazards and reducing risk that could lead to disastrous situations. More effort could be directed at integrating promotion of health and health protection activities to provide with an environment more conducive especially to general health of the workers, so that the work site offers an excellent setting to focus on both health protection and health promotion. (Blix, 2009) Need for the Study: Occupational health is concerned with health in its relation to work and the working environment. Occupational health implies not only health protection but also health promotion, emergency care, wide range of preventive, curative services, rehabilitative services, a concept which includes everything that can apply to promote health and working capacity of the workers. Occupation health is a branch of community medicine which deals with the effects of occupation or workplace on human health. We have already seen that every occupation is associated with one or the other ill effects on health and cotton mill workers are not an exception to this fact. These workers are susceptible to various morbid conditions by virtue of workplace and working conditions. These morbid conditions may range from chronic respiratory diseases due to cotton dust inhalation to anaemia because of nutritional deficiency. Although many studies on chronic respiratory disease among cotton mill workers have been carried out, a study including complete health profile of cotton mill workers is limited and is need of further research. (Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2010) An occupation is something in which persons not only earn their daily bread but also spend one-third of average adult life. The Bureau of Labour Statistics reports that every 5 seconds a worker is injured in the world and every one second a worker is temporarily or permanently disabled in India. The Centre for disease control and prevention reported in 2006 that every day and average of 137 persons die from injuries on the job. Each year 74000 require treatment in hospital emergency departments for work related injuries. (Girijakumari, 2009) According to a recent estimate, the cost of work related to heat loss and associated productivity loss may amount to several percent of the total gross national product of a country. In India there are about 20 million workers who are involved in textile industry, among them 1.07 million workers are engaged in the manufacture of cotton textile. Byssinosis, hypertension, noise induced hearing loss, dermatitis and risk of cancer due to various chemicals and dyes are common occupational diseases found among weavers. In a study done by NGO in 2008, byssinotic condition was first recorded in Indian history in the last 150 years. A maximum number of Byssinosis is a respiratory syndrome that occurs as a result of inhaling dust that is produced when cotton is inhaled. The occupational nurse should realize that the primary concern to protect the health of working population. A longitudinal study was conducted to assess the prevalence of byssinosis and to find out the association between smoking and byssinosis. 344 samples were taken among the textile workers. The synergistic effect of smoking on cotton dust exposure was evaluated. Indeed, smoking had significantly higher frequency than non-smoking. In the survey conducted, it was observed that the frequency of respiratory symptoms and prevalence of severe byssinosis were 14.9% and 12.6% respectively. The reduction of symptoms was due to the old cotton mill. The reality is lower in the case of non-smokers. The result indicated that smoking potenitates’ byssinosis and smoking was found to show an additive effect of cotton dust exposure. (Maunder, LR, 2007) A study was conducted to determine the effect of past cotton dust exposure on the respiratory tract; a total of 223 persons working in textile mills were included in this study. A questionnaire was used to enquire about respiratory problems, the participants underwent using several spirometric measurement. The most common respiratory problem was pneumonitis 14.3%, the prevalence of byssinosis was only 20.2% and emphysema was 11% in cotton processing workers. (Basel, K.A, 2008) The jobs and tasks in textile mills varied according to the product, process and operations since the subjects were selected from four sections, such as the blow and card room, spinning mills, finishing section and general section. The symptoms of respiratory illness were identified as highest among the workers in the blow and card room, and in the spinning section. In all, 53% of the workers have had such symptoms that had a low peak expiratory flow rate ((Taylor,, 2010) Regular smoking was significantly associated with the occurrence of respiratory related illness and its symptoms. A number of ‘beedi’ (the name of a local cigarette stick that contains more nicotine than usual cigarettes) smokers worked in the production section. They smoked 2 to 25 sticks (a mean of 13 sticks) per day. Non- smokers were less likely to be affected, but many of them suffered from casual fever (20%) and also morning headaches (8%). Prevalence of other health problems were also identified as restlessness at night (24%), daytime sleepiness (11%), snoring (19%), impotence (31%), and feeling physically weak (10%). The prevalence of hypertension (14%) was also noted among some workers. Only 16% of the workers in the production section had been using masks for more than 5-7 years, and no significant association was found between the symptoms of respiratory illness and the length of their service. However, some evidence from their health record (personally kept at home and from doctor’s prescription) proved that symptoms of respiratory illness were suspected among those who were working for more than six-year duration. (Jackson, 2008) Prevention of occupational hazards as an essential component of health aims at training and educating these workers in order to promote good health. It is extremely important to make people aware of the concerns of workplace. One of the major responsibilities of community health nurse is to impart knowledge related to specific measure in preventing occupational hazards. It is the Community health nurse who can play a vital role in preventing and controlling occupational hazards. Therefore, she/he should function independently and carry out this particular responsibility for better health of the workers. (Pyuish Gupta, 2010) Statement of the Problem: A Study to assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Occupational Hazards and its Prevention among Cotton Mill Workers at Selected Industries, Salem. Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers in experimental group and control group. To determine the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers in experimental group. To associate between the pre test scores on knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers and their selected demographic variables in experimental group and control group. Operational Definitions: Effectiveness: Effectiveness is a measure of the ability of video assisted teaching programme regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers to produce a specific desired effect or result that can be quantitatively measured. Video Assisted Teaching Programme: It is a systematically planned teaching programme on occupational hazards and its prevention and imparted through video film based lecture cum discussion. Knowledge: It is the correct response given by the cotton mill workers regarding occupational hazards and its prevention which can be assessed through structured interview schedule. Occupational Hazards: It is a state of deviation from normal status of health to illness while working in cotton mill industry. In this study it includes physical hazards, chemical hazards, and mechanical hazards, psychosocial hazards of Byssinosis, pneumonitis, and emphysema. Prevention: It refers to precautionary measures to be followed by cotton mill workers to protect their health from occupational hazards. Cotton Mill Workers: They are the adult employees working at selected cotton industries, Salem. Assumptions: The cotton mill workers may have knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention. Video assisted teaching programme may improve their knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers. Increased level of knowledge among cotton mill workers regarding occupational hazards and its prevention may help them to improve their quality of life. Hypotheses: H1:There will be significant differences in pre test and post test scores on knowledge before and after video assisted teaching programme regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers in experimental group at p≠¤ 0.05 level. H2:There will be significant difference in post test scores on knowledge after video assisted teaching programme regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers in experimental group and control group at p ≠¤0.05 level. H3:There will be significant association between the pre test scores on knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers and their selected demographic variables at p≠¤ 0.05 level. Delimitations: The study was limited to only 60 samples. Study was limited to cotton mill workers who were available during the study period. Study period was limited to 4 weeks. Projected Outcome: This study would reveal the existing knowledge on occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers. This study would motivate the cotton mill workers to update their knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention. This study would evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers. Conceptual Framework: This study is to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers. The conceptual framework for this study was based on J.W.KENNY’s open system model. According to Kenny, all the living systems are open and they are in continuous exchange of matters, energy and information. The system receives input and gives back output in the form of information or knowledge. System model consist of 3 phases input, throughput, and output. These 3 phases also known as classical element of the system. Input: It is the first phase in open system. Based on Kenny, input can be a matter of information. In this study, it is testing the knowledge on occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers by using structured interview schedule. Throughput: According to theorist, information is continuous process through the system. This is the activity phase, which allows the input to be changed. In the present study, providing video assisted teaching programme regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers, only to the experimental group. Output: According to Kenny after processing the input, the system gives output (Information/ knowledge). It is the third element of the system, where alteration can be expected because of the throughput. In this study, majority of the cotton mill workers had gained adequate and moderately adequate knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention in experimental group. There was no significant change in the knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers in control group. Feedback: According to throughput, feedback is the improvement of knowledge among cotton mill workers. In this study, improved knowledge regarding occupational hazards and its prevention among cotton mill workers in experimental group was assessed by the investigator. If there is no significant changes in the output, feedback will return to input and the process will continue which is not included in the study. (Pretest)(Post test) (Feedback) Not included in this study Cotton mill industry Fig-1.1 : Conceptual Framework Based On Modified J.W. Kenny’s Open System Model On Effectiveness Of Video Assisted Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding Occupational Hazards And Its Prevention Among Cotton Mill Workers. Summary: This chapter dealt with introduction, need for the study, and statement of the problem, objectives, operational definition, assumptions, delimitations, projected outcome and the conceptual frame work. CHAPTER-II

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pantaloons Retail India Limited

Pantaloons Retail India Limited Future Group focuses most in the retail segment and most of its businesses are built around the same. Future Groups retail network operates 1,000 stores for more than 200 million Indians in 73 cities and 65 rural locations across the country in 16 million square feet of retail space. Some of the most popular retail chains of India like Pantaloons (chain of fashion destinations), Big Bazaar (hypermarket chain), Food Bazaar (supermarket chain) and Central (chain of seamless destination malls) Brand Factory, Planet Sports, ALL, Top 10 and Star and Sitara are managed by Future group. Indias most popular online shopping portal is also owned by the Future Group. Home building and home improvement products and services are also led through the groups formats, like the Home Town (large-format home solutions store), Collection i (formats specialized for home furniture and home furnishing) and Furniture Bazaar and consumer electronics through eZone and Electronics Bazaar. Aadhaar, Indias leading rural retailing chain has a presence in more than 65 rural locations. It acts as a complete solution provider for the Indian farmer. Pantaloons Retail India Limited Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited is one of the leading retailers in India. Mr. Kishore Biyani, is the founder and is famously known as Indias King of Retail. Pantaloon has revolutionized the retail fraternity. With its headquarter in Mumbai, Pantaloons operates multiple retail formats in value and lifestyle segment. Pantaloons plans to increase its retail space to 30 million sq. ft. by 2011. PRIL is sub-divided into: Pantaloons Big bazaar Food Bazaar Fashion Station All Blue sky E-zone Collection 1 Home town Central Mall 2001 Indias first hypermarket chain Big bazaar is launched 2002 Food bazaar, a supermarket chain is launched 2006 Future groups financial arm, Future capital holdings launches two real estate funds Pantaloons High fashion family department, geared toward Indian middle and upper classes. In 2005, pantaloons rolled out a new merchandise and brand communication campaign to position itself as fashion trendsetter appeal to Indias youth. Central Mall It is positioned as a place for shopping, eat and enjoying. Big Bazaar Big Bazaar hypermarket concept was started in 2007 by PRIL. It was designed to integrate elements of an Indian bazaar with recent retailing features like parking of vehicles, AC shopping environment and privilege of replacing merchandise. Food Bazaar The first outlet of Food Bazaar opened in June 2002, within a Big Bazaar store, six month later the chain had grown to 42 outlets: 18 stand alone. Future Groups main businesses are : E-commerce, Pantaloons website has changed the e-commerce business in India. A wide range of products are made available at affordable prices. PC World has named the website as the Best Indian Website for 2007 in the Shopping category. Food In the food section, a lot of options are available like Food Bazaar Chain of large super markets Brew Bar Its a beer bar Cafà © Bollywood -Its a eateries chain which is PAN India Chamosa Snack counter Sports Bar A Bistro which is dedicated to the sports world Fashion Varieties of options are available in this section like Top 10, Central, Blue Sky, Etam, Fashion Station, Gini, Jony, Navaras and ALL. Home Electronics Furniture store called Collection i Electronic goods and appliances store called Electronics Bazaar Electronics Items store called e-zone Home furniture store called Furniture Bazaar One destination for all home needs called Home Town Leisure Entertainment A family entertainment center called Bowling Co. A store offering gaming options from bowling, pool, video games to bumper cars called F 123 Wellness Beauty Health Village Its a yoga center as well a spa Star Sitara: A beauty salon for men and women Tulsi Allopathic, homeopathic and ayurvedic medicinal products are provided Turmeric Beauty products like colour cosmetics, fragrances, herbal and specialty skin items, hair products and bath accessories are offered. Books Music Depot It offers stationary, CDs and books Major Achievements of Pantaloon Retail 2007 International Retailer of the Year 2007 Emerging market Retailer of the Year 2007 According to Hewitt Best Employers Survey Best Employers in India (Rank 14th) 2006 Best Managed Company in India (Mid-cap) for the year 2006 Image Retail Awards for Best Value Retail Store, Best Retail Destination, and Best Food Grocery Store. Retail Black Hole Model The Black hole model is also known as The Retail EST Model. It was developed by J.C Williams Group. According to this model a retailer can win if he is the best in one of the several retail offerings i.e to say that the company is clearly positioned in one or more preferred locations to win and hence they are the strategic differentiators. The losers gravitate to central position, are not best at anything and are sucked into the black hole of retailing We have a store opening virtually every fortnight; I have lost count now of how many I have opened Kishore Biyani Big Bazaar A paradigm shift to the Modern Retail Big Bazaar is a unit of Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd and caters to the Great Indian Middle Class. It is like an Indian bazaar or mandi or mela, the environment created by traders to give shoppers a sense of moment. The personality of big bazaar is one of an entity being authentically no-frills. The personality of the brand is self expressed by its tagline Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahi It sells a variety of merchandise at affordable rates, the prices of which it claims are lowest in the city. Usually the items are clubbed together for offers as on the lines of Wal-Mart and Carrefour, offer weekend discounts and works on the same economy model as Wal-Mart and has considerable success in many Indian cities and small towns. Food Bazaar format was added as Shop-In-Shop within Big Bazaar in the year 2002. Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar blend the look, feel and touch of Indian Bazaar with modern retail concepts of choice, convenience and quality. PRODUCT MIX TARGET AUDIENCE Higher and upper middle class customers are the target segment of Big bazaar. Another preferred customer segment is the young and growing population of the country. Big bazaar primarily targets the women folk and home makers who they feel are the primary decision makers. CORE COMPETENCIES Product range consisting of more than 20,000 products. Has a strong supply chain spanning one thousand five hundred cities and towns in India. Big bazaar has tie ups with world leaders in logistical services. Big bazaar has created a helpline for solving the queries of customers. Offers manufacturers guarantee as opposed to sellers guarantee. Good quality at reasonable cost. STRATEGIES: Minimize retailing cost. Minimize operating expenses by employing fewer floor staff -single person for every 500 sq ft. Keep furniture cost to minimum. Cut down expenses related to sourcing by almost 25-30%. Increasing the overall efficiency of logistics by creating mother-hubs all across India for the purpose of sourcing products from regional/local vendors. Slashing channel cost by up to 25%. Economizing Shelf Space Dealing with unsold stock in an effective manner. Ensuring enough pull to snatch away customers from the neighbourhood. Introducing the concept of todays price wherein a products is chosen on a daily basis and sold at lower than usual price. Big Bazaars New Marketing Strategy: A new marketing strategy, based on guerrilla marketing has been launched by big bazaar. The guerrilla force is divided into small groups to selectively attack the target at its weak points. As a part of this strategy Future group has come up with three catchy and cocky advertisement campaigns. Keep West-a-Side. Make a smart choice! Shoppers! Stop. Make a smart choice! Change Your Lifestyle. Make a smart choice! STRATEGIC ANALYSIS SWOT analysis of Big Bazaar PEST ANALYSIS Political and Legal Factors: A stable government at the centre creates an encouraging investment climate Problems of getting subsidy from Octrai and on different taxes like land, water taxes A less complicated taxation structure(GST) on the horizon. Problems regarding taking over properties and real estate. Easing restrictions on FDI by the government leading to easier import of foreign consumer goods, thereby bringing variety to the Indian market place. Economical: India is one of the fastest growing economies, next only to China (7-7.5% GDP growth rate). Retail Industry to grow leaps and bounds by 2015 due to the consumption driven economy of the country. Increase in the percentage contribution of the service sector to GDP. Increased emphasis on infrastructural growth in the current 5 year plan will help reduce some of the bottlenecks in the retail segment. Socio-Cultural Factors: Increase in Nuclear families Increase in working womens proposition Life style changes Shift in Product and service preferences Increase in Young population giving the country a demographic advantage Technological: Technological development for fast billing and the service Better applications of information technology in the modern retail industry, like in supply chain management, store management, point of sale and customer relationship management Porters Five Forces Model 7 P Analysis of Big Bazaar Product There is a wide range of products on offer at Big-bazaar, ranging from apparels, food, farm products, furniture, child care, toys, etc. Products of all the major brands are available at Big Bazaar. A lot of in house brands (private labels) are also promoted by Big Bazaar. Price The tag-line of Big Bazaar is Is se sasta aur accha aur kahin nahi. The model on which Big bazaar works is one of economies of scale. Maximum Market Share (market penetration pricing) is the major objective of pricing at Big bazaar. Place Big-bazaar has a pan India presence with more than seventy-five outlets spread across fifty cities. Big Bazaar has presence in almost all the major Indian cities. Kishore Biyani is very aggressive when it comes to expansion plans of Big bazaar. As per Biyani, the cost of real estate should preferably be less than 5% of total sales of store if one wants to provide maximum benefit to customers. Securing spaces before other retailers join in has been a strategic decision of Big bazaar which has resulted in cost-saving. Promotion Many novel cross sell and upsell strategies have been developed by Big bazaar in Indian retail market. Big Bazaar uses various promotional techniques such as saal ke sabse saste teen din, Future card, Shakti card, using M.S.Dhoni as brand ambassador, Exchange offers such as junk swap offer, POP promotions. Print media, TV, Radio (FM) and road-side bill-boards are some of the many means used by Big bazaar for advertizing and effective communication. People People are considered to be one of the key assets in any organization and their importance is even more profound in the service sector. Big bazaars staff possesses some salient features such as: The staff is well trained for modern retail. Innovative thinking among the employees is encouraged at Big bazaar. Multiple payment counters, availability of stores staff for keeping baggage and presence of security guard at every gate. Process Some of the salient features of dispatch and purchasing area of goods include : Trolleys are available for carrying purchased items sufficient nos of counters for easy check-out are present. Information hoardings/banners for efficient identification of items at store Physical Evidence It deals with the final deliverable or the exhibit of written facts. The staff has standardized dress code to improve the overall appearance of the store (atmospherics). FINANCIAL ANALYSIS of PRIL PRIL Profit and Loss Statement Interpretation Total revenues have constantly been on the rise. This is partly due to the increasing sales resulting from aggressive expansion plans (opening up of outlets) of PRIL. PAT has also been on steady rise though it has flattened a bit in recent years probably due to higher operating costs, inability to transfer the increased cost to the customer etc. EPS has also been on a steady rise apart from a single occasion in 2007 when it went down. The reason could be a rights issue or other similar action leading to equity dilution. The return on capital employed has been decreasing YoY. This could because of concern for the company. The debt equity ratio has not been too volatile and has always been below 2 which is an indication of sound financial status of the company. Aggressive Marketing: Promotions The promotional activity of the company, which says Nobody Sells Cheaper and Better! has differentiated Big-Bazaar (as a brand) in the minds of the customer. The punch-line has made its place in minds of customer. As the competition is becoming stiff in the market the activities conducted by the company are unique, that have brought fruitful result to the company. Among them sales Promotions is one of the leading activity or unique among all other activities has high influence on the customer walk-in. As sales promotions is the major force for Big-Bazaar, Big Bazaar take it very seriously especially during festivals special occasions by focussing aggressively on psychological emotional promotion strategies as per the demographic profile of the various consumers. About 60-70% of shopping for apparel, consumer durables, and home furnishing, among other things, happen during festivals. At least 40-50% takes place during the peak festival season, between September and November. According to Ashni Biyani, 23, a team is set up six months ago comprising experts on Indian mythology and religion, retail and even an expert on days, seriously targeted one-third of the 150 auspicious days in the Hindu calendar. They map all the communities in India on how they shop and how these calendars work. They focus to understand intuitively, their customs, their rituals, adding that this is the part of a larger strategy to engage customers and to attract that India which lives in the deep-rooted communities. Sabse Saste 3 Din: The best watershed for brand Big Bazaar was the introduction of the Sabse Sasta Din in January 2005, when the Indian Republic Day holiday was utilized to make sure that hordes of consumers descended on all Big Bazaars across the country to buy all kinds of household items cheap. There were scenes of customers actually vigorously fighting over items in-store long queues were seen in the store. Big Bazaar like previous years, attracted large crowds during its three day sales event called Sabse Saste 3 Din organised to celebrate the Republic Day. Depending on the results, the event is sometimes extended to 5-6 days as it happened in 2008. The promotional event being organised by Big Bazaar every year has assumed great significance over the years. A large number of customers look forward to this event as hefty discounts on a range of products are offered to the customers in partnership with the retail chains vendors on this occasion. This is, perhaps, the biggest sales event being organised by any retailer in the country. Big Bazaar, which sold merchandise worth Rs 140 crores in 2007, garnered revenues of over Rs. 280 crores during the year 2008 the growth still continues unexpectedly. As mentioned by Kishore Biyani, the whole focus is low margins pushing volumes aggressively during these times which make the Big-Bazaar stick to its core Brand-Personality. Wednesday and Weekend Bazaar: One of the most popular events Wednesday Bazaar presents terrific offers and irresistible discounts on majority of the products. The Concept was to aim at giving the homemakers the power to save the most on this day of the week. Even on weekends when the footfall is the highest, eye-catching offers and discounts are promoted. The weekend promotions differentiated from the Wednesday bazaar in terms of the offers cross-selling and not on reducing the price of a particular product. This way they were able to differentiate both the concepts focus on avoiding confusion while promoting it to the consumers and also attract different type of consumers during these durations. Special event promotions: Maha Bachat Sale: Big Bazaars incorporates such as on Independence day by having Maha Bachat Sale which did a business of 1.5 crores in its Bangalore store alone. Maha Bachat focuses on further reducing the price as compared to the Wednesday Bazaar. Also on auspicious occasions such as Akshaya Tritiya which again did a business of 150Cr on a single day in Mumbai Ahmedabad last year. An event offering discounts, benefits and privileges to senior citizens were created and promoted on the Senior Citizens Day. Monthly Bachat Bazaar: Big Bazaar understands clearly the habits of Indian consumers. In Monthly Bachat Bazaar the prices are reduced at the start of every month in order to target those consumers who bulk purchase the products and especially the commodities every month. Price Challenge Campaign: Reinforcing Big Bazaars USP of value proposition, Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahi scheme was launched. The challenges promise to offer twice the price difference, if the cost of any of the item found in the store is found to be higher than the market price. This doesnt mean that the consumer actually go to other shops in order to compare the prices, but due to this challenge of Big-Bazaar, the consumers had more faith trust on the Big-Bazaar and hence were confident seeing the confidence level of Big-Bazaar which again built a strong brand differentiation of Big-Bazaar for low pricing. Exchange Offers: This promotion primarily focused on letting people disposing off their junk and to gain something out of it in return i.e. Bring anything old take anything new. They could exchange their products and shop from a huge spectrum of discounted products. This gave the motivation factor to consumers to give their old belongings for something worth hence their old is not getting waste or is unvalued. Since the Indian consumers are very much value conscious, this strategy worked out very well. Big-Bazaar also made it sure that the campaign is actually not fooling the consumers around and is actually giving the desired value focusing on the fact that faith thrashed is never recovered in India. In- Store Communications: To ensure that no one misses out on an opportunity to gain from special offers, service boys ferry around a trolley with the product inside, announcing the scheme. Not only is this entertaining it also helps customers pick up the product from the trolley instead of walking up to the rack where it is on display. Language Customization: To make sure that non-English speaking customers dont feel alienated, the communication is also conducted in the local language. The communication is always unambiguous and direct. The Power of One Campaign: This initiative encourages customers to add One Rupee to their bill towards donation to a social cause. Big Bazaar makes an equal contribution and donates the entire proceeds to an NGO called Save the Children India. This is a selfless body which has been working for the welfare of children from marginalized sections of society. Corporate campaign: Big Bazaar has recently launched a corporate campaign which revolves around a family having a great time together. The brand anthem Khushiyon se Bhari Jholi connects with the customers at an emotional level positioning Big Bazaar as part of the happy moments. Future Cards: Specifically for Big Bazaar outlets these credit-cum-loyalty card which offer customers a slew of discounts and benefits across Future Group stores are co-branded with ICICI Bank. Customers receive four loyalty points for every Rs 100 spent at Future groups retail stores and one loyalty point for every Rs 200 spent outside the groups retail stores. This creates a vicious cycle for the customers to repeat their purchases and is especially done by the consumers during special occasions. School Jao Khushi Khushi Providing Discounts School related requirements accessories like school bags, water bottles, lunchboxes, shoes etc. Promotions include: Pencil Case for purchase of above Rs 500. Free shopping trip worth Rs 1000/- for Sending ones experience of the Best day that you had in school the most humorous the best one is selected as a winner and to avail the offer. Lucky draw for the lucky kids shop for Rs 1,000 above, drop in your kids name into the drop box 10 lucky kids were provided with the offer 30% off on an NIIT course Motivational offer for Kids: Shop for Rs 500 or above, Parents are told to drop in the kids painting, the best painting is sponsored for an art course. Doston ke saath khushiyon manao Individual are invited with friends more the merrier shopping with 1 friend entitles the individual with 10% discount, coming with two friends get 20% discount etc on the total bill. Friendship band to every walk-in A friend indeed -people were told to drop their best friends name in the drop-box and in lucky draw the winner could win the major prize A Car!! Special treatment emotional connect for the individual his/her friend -free massage, tattoos, horoscope etc were provided for purchases above Rs 500/- above during the friendship day. Diwali Dhamaka: This campaign especially remains open for longer duration Huge discounts are seen over the board If purchase is above Rs 300/- two pairs of diya were provided to the customers Tie up with known mithaiwala: if one purchases above 1000/- people can avail discounts of 45% or above on the mithai purchased from that mithaiwala. Motivating the home made mithai recepies: Purchasing goods worth Rs 500 above, females were pulled to send the recipe of their secret mithai the best judged recipe gets a complete set of Sanjeev Kapoors cook-books Diwali Manao Abroad winning through lucky draw on purchases worth Rs 1,000 or above. Christmas Joy: Across the board discounts. Big Bazaars special surprise Christmas gift on purchase of over Rs 1000/- or above. Christmas-Card Design Contest: Design next years Christmas card for children and a gift voucher worth Rs. 500 were given to the best card winner. Big Bazaar Christmas party focussing on points vouchers through festival focussed games. Happy-Hours: All the discounts/offers were hiked up in a fixed hr of a day eg: Buy X and get Rs 10 off on that day will become Rs 15 off. Mystery-Shopper: Everyday, one person is tagged as the mystery shopper i.e. a) 100th person walking through the door wearing all red b) 1st person walking through the door wearing all red These person gets the discount of 50% on the total bill. Apke kismat mein hai khushi: Lucky is happy Based on scratch card Get all that you pick in 60 seconds till reaching the billing counter Assured gift for the bulk takers: Choose a gift from the listed items if the bill is above 1000/- This is used especially to push the non-moving goods which is usually put in the listed free gift items. Banto khushiyan har ek ke sang: Social causes Khilone se khushi bate Toy drop box was set in the big-bazaar store and the concept was promoted to ask for the toys from the families then the toys were sent to the social organisations working for underprivileged childrens. This has helped the underprivileged, generate goodwill, and have also attracted the floor traffic to store at the large scale. Supporting a charity Support through charity: Donation to the charity on the individuals name for purchasing above a specified amount. Customers were given an ornament with his or her name on it to hang signifying the donation by the individual. Advertisements: Advertising for Big-Bazaar is an essential component of brand building. The advertisement focusing on brand building of Big-Bazaar is done through various ways, Some of the techniques applied are: Tag Line: One of the key components of Big Bazaar is its Tag Lines. Designed according to the demographic profile of customers in order to get connected easily with simple one-liners. The catch liners includes Chane ke bhaw kaaju, Stall ke bhaw balcony etc. Holistic Advertisement: Promotes the brand and creates awareness among people. It is not targeted at promoting each store but only creates an image of Big-Bazaar as low-cost shopping option. The store has advertised through TV, road-shows and also started reality show typed promotional campaign The Big Bazaar Challenge Promotions like Sabse Sasta Din is very successful strategy to get footfall. Print-Ads: Just before the launch of any new schemes Big-Bazaar spends heavily on advertisements in print media especially newspapers. This is done in order to create a buzz about the big-bazaar brand its upcoming schemes. TV-Ads: various channels are utilized properly, also as per the demographics cultural channels the schemes, promotions especially the common brand tag-line is aired in order to create top of the mind awareness Road side Advertisements: As a brand building exercise, big-bazaar displays bill-boards in prime locations as per the target people. Focus is more on the phrases which is targeted to the needs of the customers as per the market conditions at that particular point of time. Radio-Ads: The major focus through radio ads is in Tier-12 cities. And the prime emphasis is given on radio ads for promotions in order to inform customers for all the new happenings schemes at Big-Bazaar. Fashion-Shows: The latest innovation of the Indian iconic brand is FASHION @ BIG BAZAAR Desh Badla, Bhesh Badlo. In order to make an effort to take the Fashion to the masses, a three-day fashion show was organized by Big-Bazaar on the streets of Bandra, Mumbai. Brand Endorsement by Celebrity: For marketing and advertising its brand name, value endorsement co-branding is used by Big Bazaar. Earlier Himesh Reshammiya Sanath Jaisuriya was associated with Big-Bazaar. Also, recently the current campaigns are being associated promoted with the Indian cricket ODI captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Communication through Media: Heavy spending is carried out for proper position of Big Bazaar through the different mediums. Paper advertisements are released just before the launch of any new scheme, billboards are displayed on prime locations, frequent TVCs are aired in prime time in various Indian channels for the mass, advertisements on FM channels about the current happenings are aired etc. Below the Line Promotion: Coupon, discount, more of the product at normal price, gift with purchase, competition, and prizes, money back offer, exchange offer, special occasion. Big Bazaar, in association with Star India Pvt Ltd, has launched a collection of designer ethnic wear under the brand Star Parivaar. Above the Line Promotion: Advertisements in Newspaper, TV, Internet (own website which give online shopping service), Partnership with Bigfilx, Big FM 92.7. Aggressive Pricing Strategy The tag-line is Is se Sasta aur accha aur kahin nahi make Big-Bazaar to differentiate itself from competitors in terms of only pricing the value at that price. Hence it makes it very important for the Big-Bazaar to always focus on the its pricing strategies to keep the prices always low compared to the competitors whatever the market, economy or the external conditions is. They work on the model of economics of scale. There pricing objective is to get Maximum Market Share. The various pricing techniques used at Big Bazaar are: EDLP Every Day Low Pricing: Big-Bazaar as a brand is differentiated through low pricing strategies. Hence it promises delivers the lowest available price without stressing on coupon clipping, discount promotions waiting time, or comparison shopping. Promotional-Pricing: Low interest rate financing is being offered by Big-Bazaar. Psychological discounting (Rs. 99, Rs. 49, etc.) strategy is used as a promotional tool. Special Event pricing (Close to Diwali, Gudi Padva, and Durga Pooja) is also the prime focus of big-bazaar for the reasons mentioned in the previous topic. Value-Pricing: Big-Bazaar sets selling prices on the perceived value to the customer, rather than on the actual cost of the product, the market price, competitors prices, or the historical price. Differentiated Pricing: Also termed as Time pricing, i.e. difference in rate based on peak and non-peak hours or days of shopping. This again as a pricing technique is used in Indian retail, hence aggressively used by Big Bazaar. Psychological Pricing: In order to attract status-conscious customers and also to push status-consciousness among the middle-class people, psychological pricing concept was undertaken by Big-Bazaar which provided the best deal in the market for the products which are market-buzz-creators and highly engaging long-lasting products such as LCD TVs, Washing Machines etc. Bundling: In

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparative Mythology: What Similarities and Differences Between Mythos

The Greeks and the Norse are the two sectors of humanity most well known for their mythologies. Both countries have vastly different climates, the Greek were flourishing with their fertile Mediterranean soil and during the country’s prime it was considered a paradisical society. The Norse, however, were stuck with frigid stubborn land and short growing seasons. This is reflected in both mythologies as Greek Mythology, while still explaining heavy subjects such as death and illness, had a much more cheery feel compared to the constantly brooding Norse Gods. The Greek creation myth begin with Chaos a veil of nothingness that surrounds the entire universe. Chaos is also surrounded by an unending stream of water ruled by Oceanus. The goddess Eurynome came out of the stream and with the help with of Ophion, a snake of the North Wind she gave birth to Eros. With the joy of her child she danced upon the waves of Oceanus’ stream making the land and populating it with diverse creatures. Three of these creatures were the Moirae the three sisters of fate who assign men’s birth, destiny, and death. Also born out of Chaos was Gaia, the goddess of the Earth; Ouranus, the god of the sky; Tatarus, the god of the underworld. Gaia and Ouranus had six sets of titan twins and six other monstrous children. Ouranus banished the cyclopes and giants to Tartarus which made Gaia furious. Gaia then called on her Titan children for help exacting her revenge. Only Cronus offered to help cut his father into pieces using a sickle. Cronus then had six children with Rhea, his sister. He proceeded to eat each of these children in paranoia that they were to overthrow him. Rhea, however tricked him of eating Zeus by giving him a rock instead. Zeus then grew up o... ...led an axis mundis and is â€Å"an imaginary vertical axis running as a center pole from the zenith of the sky through the ground, uniting heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.† (p.516, Rogers). The two examples of this are Bifrost and Yggdrasil, the second of which might represent how important plant life is to the Nords as if Yggdrasil were to die the apocalypse would erupt.Norse believe that the Titan, Ymir, had to die for Earth’s creation, while the Greeks believe that the Earth was created by Eurynome simply bounding on the ocean. This may further reflect the ease in which crops grow in the origins of the mythos. Works Cited Rogers, Eugene F, Jr. Theology and Secuality: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 2002. Print. Myers, Nicole. Comparisons of Creation Myths. Seminole State College of Florida. 19 Feb. 2009. Web. 20 May 2014.

The Political Status of Tibet and China :: Foreign Policy Politics Political

In contemporary society, before major decisions are made, we are often urged to look back at the pertinent historical information and see if we can use this information to help us make clearer decisions and definitions especially in national and international policies. The real problem with this is that those making decisions often have a personal investment in the decision and are able to skew history and data towards the solution that they prefer. In these cases, it is necessary to look at both sides of the information before reaching a decision, and this is what I have tried to do concerning China’s policies and political viewpoint of Tibet. Through using objective and pro-Chinese documents, as well as outside knowledge of pro-Tibet viewpoints, I have attempted to prove whether or not I feel the Chinese are justified in claiming authority over Tibet, and conversely, whether Tibet is justified in claiming autonomy from China. My conclusion is that neither is justified. Through studying the political histories of the relationship of China and Tibet since the Tang Dynasty, constructed as alternating periods of each state’s dominance over each other in different ways, I believe that neither China nor Tibet is justified in their political opinions over the other and instead they historically have been partners unable to clearly be separate from each other. In order to properly come to a conclusion on what the actual historical status of Tibet and China is, one must begin with the first real documented political relationship existing between the two states. This period begins with the Tang Dynasty ruling in China (approximately 618 to 908 AD) and a series of powerful tribal chiefs in Tibet, referred to as the â€Å"‘Tubo’ in Chinese historical documents† (Yin 201). During this period, the Tubo were a highly powerful group, and for almost three centuries, constant battles erupted between Tibet and China, not clearly defined with borders yet. The Tibetans were still a highly nomadic society and sparsely spread along the high Tibetan plains. As the tribal chiefs began to gain more power, larger groups of people would congregate, and battles broke out when the nomadic Tibetans would either travel into Chinese territory or when the Chinese would infringe upon the Tibetan nomads’ lands. Due to the unclearly de fined borders between China and Tibet, many â€Å"minor frontier states† existed as a buffer zone between Tibet and China (Norbu 34). The Political Status of Tibet and China :: Foreign Policy Politics Political In contemporary society, before major decisions are made, we are often urged to look back at the pertinent historical information and see if we can use this information to help us make clearer decisions and definitions especially in national and international policies. The real problem with this is that those making decisions often have a personal investment in the decision and are able to skew history and data towards the solution that they prefer. In these cases, it is necessary to look at both sides of the information before reaching a decision, and this is what I have tried to do concerning China’s policies and political viewpoint of Tibet. Through using objective and pro-Chinese documents, as well as outside knowledge of pro-Tibet viewpoints, I have attempted to prove whether or not I feel the Chinese are justified in claiming authority over Tibet, and conversely, whether Tibet is justified in claiming autonomy from China. My conclusion is that neither is justified. Through studying the political histories of the relationship of China and Tibet since the Tang Dynasty, constructed as alternating periods of each state’s dominance over each other in different ways, I believe that neither China nor Tibet is justified in their political opinions over the other and instead they historically have been partners unable to clearly be separate from each other. In order to properly come to a conclusion on what the actual historical status of Tibet and China is, one must begin with the first real documented political relationship existing between the two states. This period begins with the Tang Dynasty ruling in China (approximately 618 to 908 AD) and a series of powerful tribal chiefs in Tibet, referred to as the â€Å"‘Tubo’ in Chinese historical documents† (Yin 201). During this period, the Tubo were a highly powerful group, and for almost three centuries, constant battles erupted between Tibet and China, not clearly defined with borders yet. The Tibetans were still a highly nomadic society and sparsely spread along the high Tibetan plains. As the tribal chiefs began to gain more power, larger groups of people would congregate, and battles broke out when the nomadic Tibetans would either travel into Chinese territory or when the Chinese would infringe upon the Tibetan nomads’ lands. Due to the unclearly de fined borders between China and Tibet, many â€Å"minor frontier states† existed as a buffer zone between Tibet and China (Norbu 34).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

COLD War and the Arms Race Essays -- Essays Papers

COLD War and the Arms Race When President Truman authorized the use of two nuclear weapons in 1945 against the Japanese in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II, the nature of international security was changed irreversibly. At that time, the United States had what was said to have a monopoly of atomic bombs. Soon thereafter, the Soviet Union began working on atomic weaponry. In 1949, it had already detonated it first atomic bomb and tensions began to heat up between the two countries. With the information that the Soviets had tested their first bomb, the United States began work on more powerful weapons1, and a fight for nuclear superiority had begun. In the 1950’s, the United States "announced a policy of massive retaliation - a doctrine whereby the United States might respond with nuclear weapons to any Soviet challenge anywhere in the world," (Weapons and Arms Control) Despite America's doctrine and huge lead in the arms race, it achieved little success and did not threaten or suppress the Soviets from continuing to create nuclear weapons. After the Korean War, it was believed that the United States’ nuclear build-up had played a key role in achieving armistice. At this time, early in President Eisenhower's term in office, he had announced his policy of nuclear superiority. During this time period of nuclear build up, the Soviet Union began to find ways to overcome deficiencies in their strategic technologies2. Not soon after Eisenhower made his policy known, Russia became the first country to successfully test ICBMs, or Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. These tactical nuclear weapons are land based rocket propelled vehicles capable of intercontinental range in excess of 4000 nautical miles.... ... (US), Inc., 1991. Weiler, Lawrence D. The Arms Race, Secret Negotiations and the Congress, Iowa: The Stanley Foundation, 1976. Glynn, Patrick. Closing Pandora's Box "Arms Races, Arms Control, and the History of the Cold War". New York: HarperCollinsPublishers, Inc. 1992. "Russian Officials Say They Couldn't Keep Up with SDI." Funet Russian Archive. <> "Cold War Hot Links." David Price's Home Page. <> (4 May 1998). "Salt II Treaty." ACDA Government Treaties. <> McKean, Colonel Joel M. Salt Two Ratification Issues. Washington D.C.: National Security Affairs, 1978. "Bipartisan support for START II." Council For a Livable World. <>

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Self Ratings of Dependency/Addiction Regarding Drugs, Sex

The purpose of this study â€Å"Self Rating Of dependency/addiction regarding drugs, sex, love, food: male and female college students† was to see if drug addiction and dependencies were related to each other in any type of way. They also wanted to see if they were related to addictions and dependency in other areas such as love, sex, food, ect. Some questions they asked themselves to help conduct the study was â€Å"to what degree do addictions to drugs, sex, love, and food correlate with each other? †, â€Å"Are there meaningful sex differences in the addictions? † so they gathered 9,313 college students to help them come up with an answer.They start off with saying people like to be in control of them self’s not addictions being in control of them. When people have addictions people tend to feel a lack of control and usually when they feel weak in one area they are weak in other areas. These researchers feel that if you feel like you’re the victi m there’s a relationship on being dependent on drugs, sex, love, food and so on. Some other things they thought were just because you’re addicted or dependent on something didn’t necessarily mean you were addicted or dependent to something similar to that.For example; there are so many types of drugs out in the world if someone was addicted or dependent on a certain drug they didn’t have to dependent or addicted to other drugs. In order to get their results they grabbed 9313 students from the U. S and Canada. 3086 were male and 6230 were females. Now what they did was have each professor have their students fill out a long questioner that had questions about; sex differences, drugs and other addictions. After they were done with this they were told to fill out self- ratings.Now self ratings were test that the person who is taking the test decides whether a question†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. They were given fourteen categories. Those categories were; alcohol, amphetamines, barbitures, being in love, chocolate, cocaine, coffee, cigarettes, gambling, having sex, heroin, marijuana, and food in general. And what they were suppose to do with this was on a scale of 0-100 choose a number that best fits with if they ever felt them self’s dependant or addicted to the categories.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mechanisms of Motor Development Essay

The mechanisms involved in motor development involve some genetic components that determine the physical size of body parts at a given age, as well as aspects of muscle and bone strength. The main areas of the brain involved in motor skills are the frontal cortex, parietal cortex and basal ganglia. The dorsolateral frontal cortex is responsible for strategic processing. The parietal cortex is important in controlling perceptual-motor integration and the basal ganglia and supplementary motor cortex are responsible for motor sequences. Nutrition and exercise also determine strength and therefore the ease and accuracy with which a body part can be moved. Flexibility is also impacted by nutrition and exercise as well. It has also been shown that the frontal lobe develops posterio-anteriorally (from back to front). This is significant in motor development because the hind portion of the frontal lobe is known to control motor functions. This form of development is known as â€Å"Portional Development† and explains why motor functions develop relatively quickly during normal childhood development, while logic, which is controlled by the middle and front portions of the frontal lobe, usually will not develop until late childhood and early adolescence. Opportunities to carry out movements help establish the abilities to flex (move toward the trunk) and extend body parts, both capacities are necessary for good motor ability. Skilled voluntary movements such as passing objects from hand to hand develop as a result of practice and learning. Mastery Climate is a suggested successful learning environment for children to promote motor skills by their own motivation. This promotes participation and active learning in children, which according to Piaget’s developmental theory is extremely important in early childhood rule.